1. Based on the economic machine by Ray Dalio, explain a “beautiful deleveraging” including the 4 components and how they work together to achieve a certain result. What is the result? What happens if one of the components becomes relied on too heavily or isn’t applied at all? Explain using one of the components as reference.  – 1 page

1. Based on the economic machine by Ray Dalio, explain a “beautiful deleveraging” including the 4 components and how they work together to achieve a certain result. What is the result? What happens if one of the components becomes relied on too heavily or isn’t applied at all? Explain using one of the components as reference.  – 1 page

2. Pick ONE brand identified in the article for analysis:  http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/instagram-best-brands#sm.001vtyczu15drf3lw0c22lwc6rlee

Do you agree that the brand is successful in their marketing plan at large- not just inside Instagram? Point to factors that support your belief.  Using information available about the brand online, outline what you believe the marketing strategy is on a larger scale.  Who is the target audience?  What is the anticipated result?  If you were head of marketing at the brand, what Key Performance Indicators would you use to PROVE that your strategy is working?  How would you allocate resources (people, content, money) to enhance the direction of the strategy?  Identify how the company is funded- is it private, public, where did start-up capital come from (if newer), or what was the product/service that is attributable to the company’s breakthrough in the market (i.e. if an established brand like Apple, you would point to the iMac, sales, strategy, etc…  As a consumer, would you buy this product or service based on the marketing strategy now that you have a deeper understanding of? Why or why not?  – 1.5pages

3. The following article discusses 7 major problems facing the marketing industry:  https://www.ama.org/publications/MarketingNews/Pages/7-big-problems-marketing.aspx

Please select ONE brand/company as if you were the marketing expert and pick ONE of the listed problems to explain how you think this brand has chosen to deal with this issue in a POSITIVE way with a potentially POSITIVE outcome (if issue is yet to be proven successful, list rationale for projected success base on their strategy). 1.5 pages

4. Using the same article as in Question 3, please select a brand/company that you believe has NOT accounted for ONE of the problems identified:  https://www.ama.org/publications/MarketingNews/Pages/7-big-problems-marketing.aspx Explain why you believe the brand/company has failed (economically, socially, strategically? etc…).  Suggest a remedy to resolve this brand/company problem- whether it’s marketing, people, leadership, financially, etc…  Use your lens, the discussions we’ve had in class AND the insights from our guest speakers to guide you in helping to recommend a solution for the brand/company.

1-1.5 pages

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