Uniform Instructions for All Mini-Case Responses

1.  Read the general guidelines for mini-case responses that is referenced here: Uniform Instructions for All Mini-Case Responses

2.  Read Chapters 2 and 11 in the Rothaermel text to establish an understanding of the strategy theories relevant to this mini-case.

3.  Read the text of the mini-case on Microsoft in the Rothaermel text.

4.  Draft your response to the mini-case, following the general guidelines referenced above.  Share with the instructor for feedback, if desired.

5.  Submit your draft response to the mini-case as an e-mail attachment to the instructor at baimsa@miamioh.edu if you would like early feedback (3-4 days before the due date).  Submit your final response to the mini-case via Canvas no later than the due date and time specified in the course schedule.

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