Cost shifting Cost cutting
Patients Pay Average cost per patient Loss Patients Pay Average cost per patient Profit/ (Loss)
15 2000 2000 0 15 2100 2000 1500
25 1800 2000 -5000 25 2100 2000 2500
20 1600 2000 -8000 20 2100 2000 2000
10 1500 2000 -5000 10 2100 2000 1000
10 2000 2000 0 10 2100 2000 1000
10 0 2000 -20000 10 0 2000 -20000
10 0 2000 -20000 10 0 2000 -20000
100 Charge necessary to recover your cost -58000 100 Amount of Cost needed to break even -32000
Differential Cost Analysis
Patients Variable cost Total variable cost Fixed cost Revenue
4000 200 800000 1600000 2000000
Contribution margin 1200000
Net Profit/(Loss) -400000
Since the net hospital makes a loss by including the program, it is advisable that it should drop the sleep disorder program.
Breakeven Analysis
Fixed Costs 10000
Selling Price 100
Variable Costs 20
BEP (Units) 125
BEP (Dollars) 12500
CM in Percent 80%
CM in Dollars 80
Job Order Costing
Procedure Projected Volume Labour in Minutes Supply Expense RVU Total RVU Cost Per RVU Cost Per Procedure
Amylase 4000 15 75 300 1200000 0.2880184332 86.4055299539
Bleeding time 5000 12 50 200 1000000 0.2880184332 57.6036866359
Uric acid 3000 10 50 200 600000 0.2880184332 57.6036866359
Platelet count 7800 9 25 100 780000 0.2880184332 28.801843318
Hematocrit 7600 8 25 100 760000 0.2880184332 28.801843318
Activity Based Costing
Activity Projected Volume Labor Expense ($) Supply Expense ($) Visit Minutes Total Sample Direct Cost GCD RVUs Total Sample Direct Cost GCD Cost Driver Total RVUs Total Cost Driver Direct Cost Per RVU Indirect Cost Per Cost Driver Direct Cost Per Visit Indirect Cost Per Visit Total Cost Per Visit
Evaluation 4000 30 10 60 40 5 8 60 10 6 32000 24000 3.9473684211 5.5555555556 31.5789473684 23.6842105263 55.2631578947
Education 3000 50 20 40 70 5 14 40 10 4 42000 12000 3.9473684211 5.5555555556 55.2631578947 15.7894736842 71.0526315789
Exercise 2000 5 0 90 5 5 1 90 10 9 2000 18000 3.9473684211 5.5555555556 3.9473684211 35.5263157895 39.4736842105
76000 54000
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