2) Calculate (1) again using a 55% cannibalization for the Premium Product and a 15% cannibalization rate for the Basic Product. Show your NPV and IRR results.

1)  Use the base case assumptions (pg. 4) as well as the information presented in the case to build a four-year discounted cash flow model for Advanced Seal given a 50% cannibalization rate for the Premium Product and a 15% cannibalization rate for the Basic Product. What are your NPV and IRR results? Please use the “Basic Template” from the excel file provided for the project.

2) Calculate (1) again using a 55% cannibalization for the Premium Product and a 15% cannibalization rate for the Basic Product. Show your NPV and IRR results.

3) Calculate (1) again using a 60% cannibalization rate for the Premium Product and a 15% cannibalization rate for the Basic Product. Show your NPV and IRR results.

4) Use the model developed in (1) to test the implications of Christina Whitman’s “Proposal to Drive Revenue” (pg. 5). Please use a 50% cannibalization rate for the Premium Product and a 15% cannibalization rate for the Basic Product. Show your NPV and IRR results. Now, repeat this step but use

  • a 57.5% cannibalization rate for the Premium Product and a 15% cannibalization rate for the Basic Product. Show your NPV and IRR results.
  • a 65% cannibalization rate for the Premium Product and a 15% cannibalization rate for the Basic Product. Show your NPV and IRR results.

5) Use the model developed in (1) to test the implications of Margaret Tan’s “Proposal to Minimize Cannibalization” (i.e. raising the price to $23 dollar and minimize the cannibalization rate to 45% – pg.6) Show your NPV and IRR results.

6) Summarize your results for part (1) to (5) using the “summary of scenarios “template provided in the excel file. Also, please recommend what P&G should do (between Proposal to Drive Revenue  & Proposal to Minimize Cannibalization )


  1. Cannibalization of 50% = – 50% * 2,000,000 = -1,000,000 à reduce 1 million Premium Product, same principles apply for Basic Product.
  2. You can set Net Working Capital Turnover to run at a rate of 9 (average of 8 to 10 times).   Footnote 4: Net Working Capital = Incremental Revenue/ Net Working Capital Turnover.
  3. The depreciation expense is based on the depreciation schedule in Footnote 3.
  4. The Terminal Value for the capital expenditure is calculated as the tax shield of the remaining book value times the tax rate.
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