Project instruction week 5

Project instruction week 5

· For this project, you will create a Powerpoint presentation of 12 slides (not including your title slide and a reference slide at the end) in which you highlight three significant women in education history. In order to stimulate creativity, you may not include more than 1 of the women featured in Ch. 5 in your presentation. My hope is that each student in the class will choose different women to highlight so that we all learn about many of the important figures in women’s educational history. You may choose to focus on women in the teaching profession and the ways in which women s issues and teachers issues have intertwined over the years or you may choose to focus on the feminization of teaching and explore more deeply the issues of teacher pay, historical expectations about teachers lifestyles, and the gradual but hard-fought acceptance of teachers other lives as wives and mothers. The focus is entirely up to you-be creative!!

· Try to integrate material from Ch. 5 in your presentation. Be sure that your presentation is interesting and contains a background design, some pictures and/or graphics, and some analysis from you. When you are finished, post your completed PowerPoint to this discussion forum.

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