SCI 100 Question Development Worksheet

SCI 100 Question Development Worksheet

Jeimy Jimenez

Answer the following questions. Your instructor will use these answers to evaluate the critical elements for Project 2.

1. Why did you select your news story? I selected the news story because I thought it was interesting

2. What about the story makes it interesting to you both personally and scientifically? Personally, I thought it was interesting to read on how big Tobacco owners have tried to manipulate information for consumers. Scientifically I thought it was interesting to learn on what the effects of smoking and second hand smoking have on people

3. What did you already know about the topic before selecting the news story? What opinions or assumptions had you made about it? I already know that smoking was bad for you and that second-hand smoking is just as bad. I also knew that tobacco owners have tried ways to manipulate the public to keep their interests with Tabaco products

4. Which concepts covered in the course relate to your news story? I don’t any concepts relate to my news story except for research my story has to do with space and the ninth planet

5. What question do you have about the topic in the news story? How many hours of second hand smoke would a person need to experience in a lifetime before contracting some kind of cardiovascular disease

6. Why would this question be important to a natural scientist? It would be the study humans

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