1. A deliverable at the lowest level of each branch of a work breakdown structure is known as:

1. A deliverable at the lowest level of each branch of a work breakdown structure is known as: (Points : 5)
a work element.
a work package.
a work unit.
a work cell.

2. A scheduled activity that determines when a logical successor activity can begin and end is known as: (Points : 5)
a catalyst activity.
a predecessor activity.
a leader activity.
a starter activity.

3. The total number of work periods (not including holidays or other non-work time) required to complete a scheduled activity is known as: (Points : 5)
elapsed time.
scheduled time.

1. Which of the following statements correctly describes the critical path? (Points : 5)
It is the shortest sequence of activities through the project network.
It determines the latest possible end date of the project.
It consists only of activities with zero slack.
It consists of the most important activities in the project.

2. Figure 7-1
Consider the Assembly Project depicted in Figure 7-1. Based on the information provided, what is the early start date for activity D – “Attach Modules 1 & 2”? (Points : 5)
Day 0.
Day 3.
Day 4.
Day 5.

3. Figure 7-1
Consider the Assembly Project depicted in Figure 7-1. Based on the information provided what is the amount of slack in Activity B – “Assemble Module 1”?(Points : 5)
0 days.
1 day.
2 days.
not enough information to determine.

1. Projects often include indirect costs that are not associated directly with one specific project. Which of the following items are most typically considered to be indirect costs? (Points : 5)
Costs associated with material, travel and purchased parts.
The cost of labor provided by project team members, consultants and subcontractors.
Executive salaries, utilities and insurance.
Specialized equipment rented for a particular task.

2. Which of the following terms best describes the amount of funds needed above the estimate to reduce the risk of overruns? (Points : 5)
Contingency reserve.
Insurance funds.
Project padding.
Discretionary funds.

3. The approved time-phased budget against which project execution is compared and deviations are measured for management control is known as: (Points : 5)
a measurement baseline.
a cost baseline.
a control standard.
the PERT/CPM chart.

1. Which of the following describes the activities appropriately performed by the project team during qualitative risk analysis? (Points : 5)
Team members assess the probability of occurrence and severity of impact for identified risks.
Team members develop contingency plans for even minor risks to avoid adverse impacts to project objectives.
Team members identify potential risk events.
Team members consult with stakeholders concerning responsibilities.

2. ID Risk Event Likelihood Severity
A Project requires new technology and support structure Medium Low
B Web infrastructure lacks sufficient transaction capacity Medium High
C IS resources are spread too thin High High
D The intranet site suffers a security breach Low High
Figure 10-1 Excerpt from Internet Project Risk Register
Consider the excerpt of the Internet Project risk register presented in Figure 10-1. Which of the following risk events should receive the highest priority for the development of risk responses?
(Points : 5)
A – project requires new technology and support structure.
B – web infrastructure lacks sufficient transaction capacity
C – IS resources are spread too thin
D – The intranet site suffers a security breach

3. One useful method of process improvement involves consideration of how another organization performs a process with an eye toward determining how to improve your own performance. This method is known as: (Points : 5)
comparative improvement.
variance analysis.
peer review.

1. Which of the following serves as an important guideline concerning project inspections? (Points : 5)
Inspect after critical or expensive processes to make sure the inputs are good.
Inspect prior to key work handoff points.
Inspect at milestones identified in the project schedule.
Inspect only as a last resort.

2. A project team attempting to complete the administrative closure of a project should review which of the following to ensure the customers are satisfied that all required work was accomplished? (Points : 5)
The project charter.
The scope verification.
The communication plan.
The stakeholder sign-off.

3. The Budget at Completion (BAC) is the sum of all budgeted values established for the work to be performed on a project. As such it is equivalent to: (Points : 5)
the total planned value of the project.
the total earned value of the project.
the total actual cost of the project.
the total amount of resources remaining at the end of the project.

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