41. According to the social information processing model, the social environment includes all of the following EXCEPT ________.

41. According to the social information processing model, the social environment includes all of

the following EXCEPT ________.

a. other work group members

b. supervisors

c. books and documentaries

d. employee’s own past behaviors

42. According to the social information processing model, workers’ past behaviors will MOST

LIKELY affect ________.

a. how they view their current jobs and work outcomes

b. how they currently view past experiences

c. their extrinsic motivation

d. their future earnings potential

43. Tom Siegmund joined Chrismer and Park Co. as a security guard 30 years ago and after many

years of hard work is now the company’s security manager. Tom has received several job offers

from other companies over the years, but has always chosen to stay with Chrismer and Park.

Jesse Black is also a 30-year veteran who works as a clerk at Chrismer and Park. Tom and

Jesse see each other only at the annual veteran’s awards ceremony. This year, Jesse told Tom

how unhappy he was in his work, but that he couldn’t do anything about it because he had

never received a job offer from another company. According to social information processing

theory, if all other things are equal, Tom’s job satisfaction is MOST LIKELY ________.

a. the same as Jesse’s, as they both joined the company at the same time

b. higher than Jesse’s, as Tom is a manager and Jesse is a clerk

c. higher than Jesse’s, based on Tom’s past choices and personal sacrifices

d. less than Jesse’s, because Tom has more responsibility

44. ________ advocates job simplification and job specialization, and its key goal is maximizing


a. Job enrichment

b. Job enhancement

c. Scientific management

d. The job characteristics model

45. A doctor is asked to improve her relationship with her patients. She usually has little time to

spend with them due to other obligations of her job. She is also expected to take on more

patients because another doctor is taking an extended leave. She will most MOST LIKELY

feel ________.

a. role conflict

b. underload

c. overload

d. role ambiguityChallenge Examination 16 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

46. ________ is the uncertainty that occurs when employees are not sure about what is expected

of them and how they should perform their jobs.

a. Role ambiguity

b. Role conflict

c. Role distress

d. Role uncertainty

47. Sara Chan is unsure about what is expected of her and how she should perform her job.

Therefore, she is experiencing ________.

a. role ambiguity

b. role conflict

c. work-life balance stress

d. underload

48. ________ relates to the steps people take to deal with and control their stressful feelings.

a. Retroactive coping

b. Problem-focused coping

c. Solution-focused coping

d. Emotion-focused coping

49. When ________ is successful, stressful feelings generated by threats and opportunities do not

get out of hand.

a. emotion-focused coping

b. problem-focused coping

c. solution-focused coping

d. psycho-social coping

50. One technique for dealing with stress is to manage time better. This requires ________.

a. coming in earlier and leaving later

b. making and prioritizing lists of tasks

c. setting time limits for interactions with your boss

d. not attending meetings

51. Members of an organization form ________ when they have a common goal or objective that

they are trying to achieve by uniting their efforts.

a. interest groups

b. friendship groups

c. cross-functional teams

d. self-managed work teamsChallenge Examination 17 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

52. The stages of group development include all of the following EXCEPT the ________ stage.

a. norming

b. adjourning

c. forming

d. conforming

53. The ________ stage of group development is characterized by considerable conflict.

a. norming

b. adjourning

c. forming

d. storming

54. Role ________ may be formally specified in a written job description or emerge informally over

time as members work out methods for getting the job done.

a. taking

b. norming

c. relationships

d. negotiations

55. The performance of responsibilities that are associated with an assigned role is referred to as

role ________.

a. taking

b. relating

c. norming

d. occupation

56. Which of the following is NOT an advantage that rules can offer for controlling and managing

the behavior and performance of group members?

a. They help ensure the performance of behaviors beneficial to organizational


b. They allow comparison of actual behaviors to behaviors specified by the rules.

c. They eliminate the impact of group norms.

d. They help newcomers learn the right way to perform their roles.Challenge Examination 18 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

57. A research team believed that an organization’s members would perform better when in a

group. They studied how much effort was exerted in a tug of war contest when individuals

were by themselves and when the individuals were on a team with others. They were MOST

LIKELY to find that ________.

a. individuals exerted the same amount of effort regardless of the situation

b. individuals exerted less effort when they knew they were being watched

c. individuals exerted more effort when in a group

d. individual exerted less effort when in a group

58. Every day his group meets, Mike shows up late, texts on his phone, and doesn’t exert much

effort. Kate is getting angry with Mike’s behavior. An example of the sucker effect would be if

Kate ________.

a. works harder to compensate for Mike

b. resigns from the group

c. reports Mike to the supervisor

d. starts showing up late

59. James Thompson’s “model of group tasks” suggests that as task interdependence within a

group ________ the degree and intensity of the interactions between group members who are

required to perform the group’s task ________.

a. increases; decrease

b. increases; increase

c. decreases; increase

d. decreases; remains unchanged

60. ________ groups tend to promote cohesiveness.

a. Large

b. Dysfunctional

c. Small

d. Diverse

61. Groups tend to be MOST cohesive when members are ________.

a. coherent

b. homogeneous

c. heterogeneous

d. amalgamatedChallenge Examination 19 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

62. Competition between groups is LEAST LIKELY to promote organizational effectiveness when


a. one group competes against another to see which group can maintain the highest-

quality standards

b. one group becomes more concerned with beating another group than with achieving

the organization’s goals

c. groups that are doing especially well receive public recognition

d. groups are given or adopt their own names

63. Sources of functional or divisional organizational power do NOT include ________.

a. visibility

b. centrality

c. ability to control contingencies

d. ability to control and generate resources

64. ________ is how vital or crucial the activities of a function or division are to the operation of

the entire organization and the degree to which it is positioned to gain access to important

information from other functions.

a. Centrality

b. Contingency

c. Relevance

d. Irreplaceability

65. Jim Bosley is a corporate manager for a large corporation. He has the authority to approve

projects of the organization’s subsidiaries. He knows that his PRIMARY source of power is his


a. irreplaceability

b. control over contingencies

c. control over resources

d. referent power

66. According to Pondy’s model, as the parties in the ________ conflict stage assert their views,

the significance of the disputed issue is likely to be blown out of proportion.

a. felt

b. latent

c. manifest

d. perceived Challenge Examination 20 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

67. According to Pondy’s model, during the ________ conflict stage, one party decides how to

react to or deal with the party that it sees as the source of the conflict and both parties try to

hurt each other and thwart each other’s goals.

a. latent

b. felt

c. perceived

d. manifest

68. Every conflict episode leaves a conflict ________ that affects the way both parties perceive

and respond to future episodes.

a. outcome

b. residue

c. resolution

d. aftermath

69. Grace is shopping for a computer when a salesman begins telling her why she should choose a

certain model. He is using technical terms that Grace doesn’t understand, so Grace loses

interest and leaves. In the future, the salesman should ________.

a. change how he encodes the message

b. change how he decodes the message

c. use more jargon

d. use non-verbal communication

70. The ________ provides paths of communication for delicate information, as well as for

potential and actual crises.

a. grapevine

b. advice network

c. trust network

d. communication network

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