71. Encoding is MOST necessary to communication because it ________.

71. Encoding is MOST necessary to communication because it ________.

a. eliminates information distortion

b. entails modifying a message based on who is receiving it

c. provides specialized terminology

d. gives credibility to the message

72. Which of the following is enhanced by nonverbal communication?

a. a text message

b. an in-person meeting

c. a telephone message

d. a company’s annual reportChallenge Examination 21 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

73. Personally addressed written communication BEST helps to ________.

a. provide nonverbal cues

b. promote instantaneous feedback

c. speed up communication

d. encourage the receiver to pay attention to it

74. ________ allows a sender to communicate with the largest number of receivers


a. Voicemail

b. Instant messaging

c. Personally addressed written communication

d. Impersonal written communication

75. Organizational members often engage in ________; that is, they search for and choose

acceptable responses to opportunities and problems.

a. optimizing

b. rationalizing

c. satisficing

d. sacrificing

76. The only doctor in a small town had a problem. He wanted to see all of the people who

needed his care but he did not have enough time in the day to do so. He was especially

worried that if he did not see certain patients, they would not be able to afford the doctor in

the next town over. His problem is a(n) ________ one.

a. optimal

b. rational

c. ethical

d. financial

77. Heuristics are best described as ________.

a. helpful and effective in all situations

b. helpful in some situations and dangerous in others

c. harmful and nonproductive in all situations

d. harmful when used in nonprogrammed decision makingChallenge Examination 22 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

78. The fact that decisions made by groups are more extreme than decisions made by individuals

is LEAST LIKELY associated with ________.

a. the diffusion of responsibility occurs

b. knowing that other group members support the same decision can cause group

members to become more confident in their position

c. as a group discusses alternatives, members of the group come up with persuasive

arguments to support their favored alternative and the group’s confidence in the chosen

alternative increases

d. the diversity found in groups that cannot exist within single individuals

79. ________ can become dysfunctional when individual members become more concerned about

winning the battle than in making a good decision.

a. Individual decision-making

b. Programmed decision-making

c. Nonprogrammed decision-making

d. Group decision-making

80. ________ is a spontaneous, participative, decision-making technique that groups use to

generate a wide range of alternatives from which to make a decision.

a. Producing

b. Brainstorming

c. Nominal group technique

d. Delphi technique

81. A company uses mass production to manufacture toilet paper. The organization MOST

LIKELY ________.

a. has an organic structure

b. has a mechanistic structure

c. uses nonroutine technology

d. carries high task analyzability

82. An example of ________ technology is the services rendered by a small group of auditors hired

to evaluate the accuracy of a firm’s financial statements.

a. mediated

b. functional

c. small-batch

d. assembly-line Challenge Examination 23 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

83. ________ technology is based primarily on the use of automated machines that are

programmed to perform the same operations time and time again.

a. Process

b. Functional

c. Information

d. Mass-production

84. The principle of the ________ chain of command states that an organization should operate

with the fewest levels possible.

a. minimum

b. retractable

c. streamlined

d. hierarchical

85. Top management members do not want a tall organization, so they should ________.

a. follow the principle of maximum chain of command

b. stress the importance of low risk behaviors to employees

c. hire more managers to supervise lower level managers

d. offer training to employees to enable them to make more decisions

86. ________ is the ongoing communication among different people and functions that is

necessary for an organization to achieve its goals.

a. Instant messaging

b. Mutual adjustment

c. Divisional alignment

d. Functional integration

87. A company manufactures parts for military aircrafts. The process requires accuracy and

precision, and each job must be done in a certain way to ensure high quality. An

instrumental value of this company would MOST LIKELY be ________.

a. creativity

b. excellence

c. attention to detail

d. risk taking

88. If an organization has a terminal value of ________, it will MOST LIKELY have an instrumental

value of ________.

a. excellence; profitability

b. responsibility; creativity

c. conservation; innovation

d. morality; being honestChallenge Examination 24 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

89. Which of the following is LEAST LIKELY a terminal value of innovativeness?

a. maintaining high standards

b. working hard

c. being creative

d. playing it safe

90. An organization develops ________ to encourage members to adopt certain terminal and

instrumental values and to behave in certain ways as they pursue their goals.

a. specific norms

b. regulatory frameworks

c. generalized expectations

d. organizational guidelines

91. Henry Ford said, “Learning together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working

together is success.” Based on this, his organization MOST LIKELY had an instrumental value

of ________.

a. profitability

b. innovation

c. morality

d. cooperation

92. Which of the following would an innovative company be MOST LIKELY to do that an inert

company would not do?

a. promote from within the company

b. cut costs as low as possible

c. abide by the most rigid ethical standards

d. experiment with additional product lines

93. All of the following are common instrumental values in a company with an inert culture

EXCEPT ________.

a. laziness

b. noncooperation

c. output restriction

d. entrepreneurshipChallenge Examination 25 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

94. According to Hofstede, ________ is the dimension of culture that focuses on the values

that govern the relationship between individuals and groups.

a. national ethos

b. power distance

c. individualism versus collectivism

d. achievement versus nurturing orientation

95. In a country with low power distance, the government would MOST LIKELY view programs to

equalize wealth amongst all citizens in a(n) _______ manner.

a. indifferent

b. unethical

c. positive

d. negative

96. An organization decided it wanted its members always to be looking for ways to make the

organization better through efficiency or product improvement. Employees attended a

meeting where the TQM strategy was explained. When the strategy was evaluated within a

month, it was determined to be ineffective. Which of the following is LEAST LIKELY a reason

for the poor evaluation?

a. It was too drastic of a change.

b. The managers did not empower the employees.

c. The strategy can take much longer than one month to be effective.

d. The employees were not behind the change.

97. A(n) ________ typically develops as an organization grows and is a principal source of inertia,

especially in large organizations.

a. matrix structure

b. organic structure

c. mechanistic structure

d. hyperbolic structure

98. Organizational change is MOST LIKELY to be resisted ________.

a. if it reinforces group norms

b. by a highly cohesive group

c. if the organizational culture is weak

d. by political coalitions who currently lack powerChallenge Examination 26 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

99. Individuals within an organization are LEAST LIKELY to resist change because of ________.

a. uncertainty

b. force of habit

c. selective perception

d. profit motive

100. A ________ is any activity that is vital to quickly delivering goods or services to customers or

that promotes high quality or low cost.

a. function

b. business process

c. production scheme

d. operational method

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