21. Travis Randall often boasts of his ability to “size up” candidates interviewing for a new job in the first 30 seconds of the interview. He notes that the rest of the interview is spent collecting information to prove to his boss why his initial assessment is correct. This is an example of ________.

21. Travis Randall often boasts of his ability to “size up” candidates interviewing for a new

job in the first 30 seconds of the interview. He notes that the rest of the interview is spent

collecting information to prove to his boss why his initial assessment is correct. This is an

example of ________.

a. stereotype

b. bias

c. primacy effect

d. schemaChallenge Examination 11 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

22. Which of the following is NOT a bias that can have an effect on the attributions people

make to their own behaviors or the behaviors of others?

a. fundamental attribution error

b. systematic observational bias

c. actor-observer effect

d. self-serving attributions

23. The ________ occurs when a manager thinks a subordinate’s behavior is due to some innate

characteristic rather than to the situation.

a. fundamental attribution error

b. attention deficit syndrome

c. actor-observer effect

d. residual attribution error

24. Fundamental attribution errors MOST LIKELY occur when one ________.

a. takes credit for successes and avoids blame for failures

b. focuses on the actor and ignores the context

c. is unaware of all of the individual factors that influence behavior

d. attributes the behavior of others to external causes

25. When Jennifer Olsen started working at the law firm of Gould, Starnt, and Heffernen, she

knew she was one of only a few women at the company who was balancing work and single

motherhood. Determined to make her job a success, she worked long hours and sacrificed

much time with her child for the good of the firm. Despite her efforts, her productivity, and

her high rate of cases won, she knew there were other lawyers at her company who would

always see her as a single mother first and a lawyer second. Which of the following is NOT

TRUE about the perceptions of Jennifer’s co-workers?

a. Jennifer’s coworkers are basing their perceptions on stereotypes of single mothers.

b. Jennifer’s coworkers are calling upon dysfunctional schemas as they perceive her.

c. Jennifer’s coworkers’ perceptions of her are influenced by their knowledge of the fact

that she is a single mother.

d. Jennifer’s coworkers are using impression management in order to make themselves

look better to the firm owners.Challenge Examination 12 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

26. Despite the fact that she walked into the interview chewing gum, which Dan found very

unprofessional, he hired Margaret, in part, because, like him, she was born and raised in Ohio.

On her first two or three job performance evaluations, Dan gave her high ratings, even though

she was often late and missed many deadlines, because she made a good overall impression,

especially compared to her very inadequate co-workers.

Which of the following biases has Dan NOT allowed to cloud his judgement when it comes to


a. primacy effect

b. contrast effect

c. halo effect

d. similar-to-me effect

27. The intended result of ________ is that once an undesired behavior ceases to be reinforced,

its frequency will diminish until it no longer occurs.

a. extinction

b. behavior modification

c. operational intervention

d. shaping

28. According to operant conditioning theory, punishment ________ the probability of an

undesired behavior.

a. increases

b. reduces

c. negates

d. eliminates

29. Negative reinforcement ________ the probability of a desired behavior.

a. increases

b. decreases

c. eliminates

d. has no effect on

30. Which of the following is LEAST LIKELY to contribute to an employee’s level of creativity?

a. internal locus of control

b. intelligence

c. self-esteem

d. structureChallenge Examination 13 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

31. ________ is all of the information, skills, and expertise that an individual or a group has about

the kind of work being performed.

a. Autonomy

b. Situational synergy

c. Task-relevant knowledge

d. Operational awareness

32. According to Peter Senge, which of the following is NOT a key activity central to a learning


a. encouraging low self-efficacy

b. encouraging learning in groups and teams

c. developing complex schemas

d. communicating a shared vision for the organization

33. According to expectancy theory, valence, instrumentality, and expectancy must be ________ in

order for an employee to be motivated to perform desired behaviors and to perform them at

a high level.

a. zero

b. one

c. high

d. low

34. A factory worker really wants to move up in the corporation. He does his work, stays late, and

is always looking for extra ways to help. He gets passed up for promotion after promotion.

This will MOST LIKELY affect his ________.

a. instrumentality

b. valence

c. expectancy

d. equity

35. According to Stacy Adams, a ________ is simply another employee or group of employees

perceived to be similar to oneself.

a. substitute

b. peer group

c. referent

d. doppelgangerChallenge Examination 14 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

36. Barbara Subaru is a secretary with a prestigious law firm who has observed that other

secretaries with the firm receive better pay and have better working conditions than she

does, even though she is more productive than they are. Equity theory would label this

condition as ________.

a. overpayment inequity

b. referent inequity

c. underpayment inequity

d. imbalance inequity

37. According to equity theory, which of the following actions would an employee NOT take to

restore equity?

a. change the inputs for his own work

b. change the inputs or outcomes of the referent

c. change his perceptions of inputs and outcomes

d. change the outputs of his own work

38. Gerald Simmons, a manager for Computers-R-Us, has been studying the equity theory of

motivation. In an effort to be equitable, he plans to give the same percentage pay raise to

each of his employees who work 40 hours a week. His plan ________.

a. will eliminate previous inequities at the store

b. demonstrates an understanding of the unique inputs of each employee

c. considers that effort and behavior are likely to vary across workers

d. may be a problem for those who feel underpaid

39. After employees are allowed to interact with customers or clients, and made responsible

for managing these relationships and satisfying customers, which of the following core job

dimensions would NOT increase?

a. task identity

b. skill variety

c. autonomy

d. feedback

40. The three individual differences identified by the job characteristics model that affect the

relationships between the core dimensions and the psychological states and the relationships

between the psychological states and the outcomes include ________.

a. skill variety, task identify, and task significance

b. growth-need strength, level of knowledge and skills, and satisfaction with the work


c. core dimensions, critical psychological states, and growth-need strengths

d. experienced meaningfulness of work, experienced responsibility for work outcomes, and

knowledge of resultsChallenge Examination 15 BAM 515 Organizational Behavior

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