In what sense does the moon fall? · How does the force of gravity between two bodies change when the distance between them is tripled?

· In what sense does the moon fall?
· How does the force of gravity between two bodies change when the distance between them is tripled?
· Would the springs inside a bathroom scale be more compressed or less compressed if you weighed yourself in an elevator that accelerated upward? Accelerated downward? Would the springs inside a bathroom scale be more compressed or less compressed if you weighed yourself in an elevator that moved upward at a constant velocity? In an elevator that moved downward at constant velocity?
· Explain why occupants of the International Space Station are firmly in the grip of Earth’s gravity, even though they have no weight.
· A stone is thrown up at an angle. Neglecting air resistance, what happens to the horizontal component of its velocity along its trajectory? The vertical component?
· A projectile is launched vertically at 100 m/s. If air resistance can be neglected, at what speed does it return to its initial level?
· What happens to an object close to Earth’s surface if it is given a speed exceeding 11.2km/s?

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