A closed, nonreactive system contains species 1 and 2 in vapor/liquid equilibrium. Species 2 is a very light gas, essentially insoluble in the liquid phase. The vapor phase contains both species 1 and 2. Some additional moles of species 2 are added to the system, which is then restored to its initial T and P. As a result of the process, does the total number of moles of liquid increase, decrease, or remain unchanged?

A closed, nonreactive system contains species 1 and 2 in vapor/liquid equilibrium. Species 2 is
a very light gas, essentially insoluble in the liquid phase. The vapor phase contains both species 1
and 2. Some additional moles of species 2 are added to the system, which is then restored to its
initial T and P. As a result of the process, does the total number of moles of liquid increase,
decrease, or remain unchanged?
A positive charge +q is located at the point
x=0, y=−a and a negative charge −q is located at the point x=0, y=+a.
Derive an expression for the potential V at points on the y-axis as a function of the coordinate y. Take V to be zero at an infinite distance from the charges.
A man wishes to vacuum his car with a canister vacuum cleaner marked 535 W at 120 V. The car is parked far from the building, so he uses an extension cord 15.0 m long to plug the cleaner into a 120-V source. Assume that the cleaner has constant resistance. (a) If the resistance of each of the two conductors of the extension cord is 0.900, what is the actual power delivered to the cleaner? (b) If, instead, the power is to be at least 525 W, what must be the diameter of each of two identical copper conductors in the cord the young man buys? (c) Repeat part (b) if the power is to be at least 532 W.

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