Criminal Justice1


Evaluate performance measurement within criminal justice entities.


Demonstrate an understanding of the impact on how one’s perspective toward multiculturalism and diversity impacts an organization.


Apply ethical rules governing the field of study






You are assigned to your department’s recruitment and training division. Your department has 50 sworn positions. The demographics of your department are 45 Caucasian males, three African American males, two Hispanic males, and no female officers. Historically there have never been a large number of women and minority candidates applying for sworn positions in the department. Furthermore, the population demographics of your city are 45% Caucasian, 38% African American, 10% Hispanic, and 7% other races. Furthermore, women make up 25% of your city’s population.




Your new Chief of Police has asked your department prepare a presentation to present to the City Council to discuss strategies that could be implemented to recruit women and minorities.




Create a 10–15-slide PowerPoint presentation (excluding the title and reference slide) that applies critical thinking to construct persuasive arguments on the following:




Address your proposal utilizing theories learned as it relates to organizational culture.




Address the following issues in your presentation:




· Identify the ethical rules and supporting ethical reasoning’s that govern recruitment and training in the criminal justice field.




· Include a comparison between current recruitment strategies with those that are being suggested.




· Explain how you would increase the number of women and minority candidates that apply with the department within the ethical guidelines previously identified.




· How do organizational and behavioral theories discussed in previous units impact the recruitment process?




· Support the theories with research.




(PLEASE NOTE: This project will require outside research.)


Research must contain information obtained from


More, W., H., Miller, S., L. (01/2014). Effective Police Supervision, 7th Edition.






Two other outside sources


The PowerPoint should contain a title slide and a slide with a list of references in APA format. the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style.




This must be completed no later than Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 12:01am. Failure to submit assignment by this time will result in NO GRADE.


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