Shown below is a man who wants to build a gas station. There is a dipping rock unit that outcrops…

Shown below is a man who wants to build a gas station. There is a dipping rock unit that outcrops near his property. He needs to install an underground gasoline storage tank and so needs to know the depth to this very hard, resistant rock unit beneath his property. He can use simple trigonometry to calculate the depth by knowing the dip of the unit and the distance to his building site. But is such a calculation enough? Might there be some geologic reasons for the unit not being where the calculation says it should be? You should be able to think of at least three possibilities. Sketch them below. Be sure to include a fault as one of the possibilities and also keep the outcrop intact in each of your scenarios. Given is tan= 45 degree=d/50′ d=50′ . tan45 degree + 50′ .1.0 d=50′

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