Impact of a Borderless Society

 Please read entire post and respond accordingly, Use a minimum of 5 references. No Plagiarism.


Impacts of a Borderless Society



Using the Internet, your textbook or the Kaplan library conduct your own research to learn more about the variety of ways in which foods can be acquired:

For this Assignment, you will write a 1000-word essay in which you analyze a single meal you eat. Please be sure the meal has a minimum of four components. For example:

  1. Beef steak, baked potato, butter, and 2% milk.
  2. Eggs scrambled with cheese, strawberries, and coffee.
  3. Peanut butter, grape jam, white bread, and potato chips.

Address the following questions as you write your Assignment:

  1. Meal analysis: Discuss the events and methods of production that allow major grocery chain stores to carry these items.
    • Source identification: If you were to purchase each item at a major grocery chain store, where would these items be sourced? For example, where were the fruits or vegetables grown, or meats raised immediately prior to sale? Do not discuss the history or origin of the item (e.g., corn or maize originated in Mexico around 2500 BC.), but instead, the corn was grown and harvested from a central New Jersey farm.
    • Farming and labor practices: What farming methods were likely used to grow these items, and how do these methods impact the environment around the farms as well as the employees who work within these establishments?
    • Packaging, processing and shipping: Were the items grown and shipped in from another country? What types of processing and packaging must take place in order for you to be able to purchase the product?
  2. Economic and ecological analysis of food choice: Discuss the ecological and economic advantages and disadvantages of purchasing food items that are locally sourced versus those shipped from other areas of the country and from around the world. Use your assigned Reading for this unit, as well as supplemental sources, to explore the impacts our food purchases may have on the environment and economy and how these choices influence multiculturalism and diversity around the globe.
  3. Applying food choice to Think Globally, Act Locally: The food choices people make have the potential to generate both local and global impacts and potentially serve as solutions to some of the challenges discussed so far. This concept can be summarized in the phrase “Think Globally, Act Locally.” Discuss:
    • How you would interpret this phrase based upon your meal analysis. For example, if you were to follow the suggestions shared within the articles provided above, where could you obtain the items (name specific local places within your community)? If a food item is not available locally, is there an alternative that you could use as a substitute?
    • How can your individual actions and the choices you make when planning and buying meals serve as a possible solution, and how they may possibly change in the future?
    • How your choices, when combined with those of others, can have a global impact.

Basic Writing Expectations:

  • At least 1000 words not counting the title or reference pages.
  • Include a title page, double space, font size 10 or 12.
  • Use a minimum of five sources (at least one from the KU Library).
  • Include a highly developed viewpoint/thesis, purpose, and exceptional content.
  • Demonstrate superior organization: use logic.
  • Free of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors.
  • No evidence of plagiarism.
  • Use the APA style for all citations.
  • Be original and insightful with no more than 10% taken verbatim from any outside sources.
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