Immediately Required Work. Easy Language. No Plagiarism. 7-8 hours

Students will submit an essay utilizing APA format for referencing sources.


There will be a file in course documents with sources that may be referenced.


The essay will address the model of Community Oriented Policing and how it can be used as an overall management philosophy for occupational safety.


3-4 Pages


Attached is a rubric.


Grading Matrix Week 2 Essays

Week 2 Online

SLO: 1. Student will be able to discuss the application of Crosby’s Zero Defects Philosophy to safety


         2.  Students will be able to apply the elements of Community Oriented Policing


Written Communication







Exceeds Expectations of Graduating Senior



Meets Expectations of

 Graduating Senior



Partially Meets Expectations of Graduating Senior



Does Not Meet Expectations of Graduating Senior




Precisely demonstrates recognition of audience and sets relevant tone. Engages an audience effectively.

Demonstrates recognition of audience and sets relevant tone most of the time.

Is inconsistent  in recognition of audience and setting of relevant tone.

Fails to demonstrate recognition of audienceand/or set relevant tone.






Fairly and accurately synthesizes sources and integrates relevant information, with significant depth and breadth.

Fairly and accurately synthesizes sources and integrates relevant information.

Synthesizes sources and integrates relevant information, but is not always fair and/or accurate.

Does not synthesize sources and/or integrate relevant information.





Organization is clear and logical (parts make sense together; no contradictions).  Organization is creative and engaging.

Organization is clear and logical (parts make sense together; no contradictions)

Organization is mostly clear and logical (most parts make sense together; may be some contradictions).

Organization is not clear and/or logical (parts do not make sense together and/or there are many contradictions).

Control of Written Language


Sentence Structure/ Syntax


Writing is clear, accurate, and precise virtually all of the time.  Elegant sentence structure; fluid integration of terms.

Writing is clear, accurate, and precise most of the time.

Writing is clear and accurate some of the time.  May have some awkward sentences.

Writing is rarely clear and/or accurate.  May have many awkward sentences. 

Control of Written Language


Word Choice/


Uses accurate, relevant, and precise vocabulary virtually all of the time.

Uses accurate and relevant vocabulary most of the time.

Limited use of accurate and relevant vocabulary.

Rarely uses accurate and/or relevant vocabulary.


Surface Features



Nearly error free, accurate use of punctuation, grammar, capitalization, relevant citation format, etc.

Accurately uses punctuation, grammar, capitalization, relevant citation format, etc. with minor or minimal errors that do not interfere with clarity.

Major and/or frequent errors in use of punctuation, grammar, capitalization, relevant citation format, etc. Errors sometimes interfere with clarity.

Major and/or frequent errors in use of punctuation, grammar, capitalization, relevant citation format, etc. Errors often interfere with clarity.



Selects relevant, accurate, appropriate, and significant sources.

Selects relevant, accurate, and appropriate sources.

Selects some relevant, accurate, and appropriate sources.

Selects virtually no relevant, accurate, and/or appropriate sources.

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