
Using the standard/default database you could choose Class as your independent variable and any of the other data columns for your dependent variable. Example below.

RQ. What is the difference in squat weight as delineated by class (e.g., champion, supercat, ultracat)?
Ho1. There is no statistically significant difference in squat weight as delineated by class (e.g., champion, supercat, ultracat).
Ha1. There is a statistically significant difference in squat weight as delineated by class (e.g., champion, supercat, ultracat).


  • One-way ANOVA Between Groups
  • One-way ANOVA Within Groups
  • Two-way ANOVA Between Groups
  • ANCOVA for analyzing pre/post comparisons of two or more groups

RE: M5A3 Suggestion


x for champion, supercat, ultracat should be reported
F value also
P value tells us which hypothesis is supported.


Post hoc testing optional
*Tukey HSD (honestly significant difference test) is commonly applied when the P value is <.05
Post hoc testing will tell us which groups are most/least similar/different for all pairing combinations.
For example, Tukey HSD may tell us that champion and ultracat are MOST different, champion and supercat are LEAST different, and ultracat/supercat are in BETWEEN. That way you can rank order by degree of difference.
1. Most different = champion and ultracat
2. Next different = ultracat and supercat
3. Least different = champion and supercat

select variables, run analyses, and test for assumptions appropriate to the type of statistic

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