
Hello i need a good and positive comment related with this argument .A paragraph  with no more  90 words.


Samantha Smith  


Re:Topic 1 DQ 1


Healthy People 2020 addresses the importance of creating a social and physical environment, including in the community, that promotes good health for all people involved  (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015) . My idea of a healthy community includes safety, valuable resources, and social structure. I believe that healthy communities have all 3 of these things in common. Although it would be difficult, if not impossible, to erase all of crime, decreasing danger would increase the community’s feeling of safety.    This could also tie in with valuable resources such as emergency personnel during danger or natural disasters which the community relies on during time of need. Social structure brings the community  with similar values and goals, such as work, religion and ethnicity, together and accepts change. This makes the community join by cohesion and not divided by their differences.


If a community did not match my definition of a healthy community, I would try to provide care and education on the areas where that specific community lacked. Just like a patient care plan, this plan would also have to be area specific. For example, in my area we currently have a program in place called “push out the pusher”. This program is designed to allow the community to report drug activity which has been a very large problem in my area. It has reported to have led law enforcement to almost 300 drug related arrest within a year’s time  (Buchnowski, 2015) . This for example, not only brings safety because the calls and reports are anonymous and brings the drug related crime rates down it also incorporates the community’s resources, law enforcement, and social structure, all wanting the drug problem resolved.


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