labour management relations assignment

Hi, I need someone to help on my assignment.




Turnitin Similarity: 20%


APA format


Min. 10 Reference different sources of information


Assignment questions is at the attachment photo, please follow the attachment as a simple guide for the assignment. 




1. Introduction of Labour Management Relations (LMR)

• Introduction is succinct, well written and clear on issues and scope and include key attributes of LMR.


2. Analysis on roles of 4 Key players of LMR

• Submission has an excellent an excellen introduction and explanation on roles of 4 Key players of LMR in Singapore with sufficient depth and coverage.

• Submission has an excellent analysis on roles of 4 Key players of LMR in Singapore with sufficient depth and coverage.


3. Analysis on competitive advantage to Singapore through LMR

• Submission has a very good explanationa on how through the 4 Key players, a competitive advantage can be created for Singapore.

• Submission has a very good or excellent analysis on how through the 4 Key players, a competitive advantage can be created for Singapore Substantial insights are offered.


4. Conclusions 

• Submission and conclusions are well considered and take into account the analysis of the compan.


5. Word Length 

• Satisfies th stipulated word length of 2000 words.


6. Organisation 

• Content is well organised with clear paragraphing. Each paragraph support one or two key ideas.


7. Citations & Referencing 

• In text citations done according to APA formal but with little or no mistakes. Sufficient and authoritative resources referenced.

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