Kudler Fine Foods

Review the Service Request SR-kf-013 for Kudler Fine Foods.

Prepare a 1- to 2-page paper:

  • Define the scope and stakeholders associated with the project.
  • Identify the preliminary assignments and tasks for each group me

Begin creating a detailed outline for each section of the paper.

the first 4- to 6-page section of the Service Request SR-kf-013 Paper, due in Week Five. Include the following:

  • Statement of scope and goals: Specify which functions will be included in the project. Identify the goals and include accomplishments, not a solution.
  • Supporting measures for success: Specify tangible measures for determining the relative degree of success of the completed project. The measures must correlate with the goals specified in the first section of this deliverable.
  • Summary of project feasibility: Include specific operational, technical, and economic feasibility analyses. Operational and technical issues should specify how each issue will be addressed. The economic analysis must include quantified specific benefit and cost areas.
  • Current business process summary: Provide a flowchart and a separate high-level logical data flow diagram of the current process.
  • Proposed system requirement list: List specific individual requirement needs in measurable and objective terms.
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