HW in wind turbine

The following homework questions are designed based on textbook book chapter 2. Answer all the questions in your own words. Copying same sentences, figures, or tables from textbook will lead to zero mark. Students are encouraged to refer to material outside textbook. Students should mention source of material in the references section.


Question 1: Describe major components of a wind turbine. Explain major components briefly. Photographs can also be included with proper citation.


Question 2: Describe two gearbox technologies used for wind turbines. Include technical details from gearbox manufacturers. Photographs can also be included with proper citation.


Question 3: Describe two pitch control technologies used for wind turbines. Include technical details from pitch drive manufacturers. Photographs can also be included with proper citation.


Question 4: Describe two maximum power point tracking technologies used for wind turbines. Include technical details and figures with proper citation.

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