History Paper

You may write on any topic such as military, political leader, event, battle, etc. as long as it falls under the time period of the class.


Font: Times New Roman, 12 point

Spacing: Double-spaced, with no additional spaces between lines or paragraphs

Margins: 1” on every side (top, bottom, left and right)

Page Numbers: Centered at the bottom of every page except the cover page

MLA Format


Present a defined thesis statement


Construct a concise and well-written paper that shows your comprehension of the topic through analysis of several sources.


Four full pages of text, and you must consult a minimum of two or more academically credible sources. Ensure you cite as well and proofread/edited the paper. NO GRAMMATICAL ERRORS


A formal paper should not contain any personal pronouns, abbreviations, or contractions.


Must include a cover page, footnotes, and a bibliography at the end. While composing your paper, use proper English. Do not use abbreviations, contractions, passive voice, or first/second person (I, me, you, we, our, us).





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