EXSC 3760: BIOMECHANICS OF HUMAN MOVEMENT ASSIGNMENT #3 15 PTS. Due: Thursday, Feb. 9, 2017 Word process your responses and include an APA style cover page, running head, page #s, and reference page. Select ONE of the following sports skills:  basketbal

15 PTS.

Due: Thursday, Feb. 9, 2017
Word process your responses and include an APA style cover page, running head, page #s, and reference page.

Select ONE of the following sports skills:

  •   basketball free-throw

  •   vertical jump

  •   volleyball set

    For the sport skill you selected, use at least 2 sources, and compose a paper to include the following:

  •   50-75 word introduction – briefly describe the background of the skill; how its used in sport (3 pts.)

  •   description of phases (describe key body positions or angles, critical features) (4 pts.)

  •   photos showing the phases (you may obtain these from the internet); be sure photos are

    from the proper angle(s) (2 pts.)

  •   description of how the 3 factors that affect projectile motion impact the skill (3 pts.)

  •   glossary of 6 kinematics (mix of linear and angular) terms used in your paper (3 pts.)

    define any terms or variables; be sure to identify them as linear or angular kinematics terms

    bold the 6 terms within the text

    the glossary is last 

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