ECET375 Homework # 7



Homework # 7

Chapter 22 (4,6,8)

4. Use the following network analyzer display of an ICMP packet to answer the following questions:

0000 00  00 1C 2B B2 16 00 B0 AA BB CC  DD EE  FF  00  11

a. What kind of ICMP message is this (query or error reporting)?

b. What type of IMCP message is this?

c. What is the code for this message?

d. What is the identification number (hex)?

e. What is the sequence number (hex)?

f. Does the packet contain any information?

6. Use the following network analyzer display of an ICMP packet to answer the following questions:

0000 12  00  B3 4A  A2 4B  03  B2  FF  FF  C0  00

a. What kind of ICMP message is this (request or reply)?

b. What is this type number for this ICMP message (Decimal)?

c. What information is contained in bytes 9 to 12?

d. If the information in bytes 9 to 12 is an IP address, what is its value (dotted decimal)?


8. Use the following network analyzer display of an ICMP destination-unreachable packet to answer the following questions:

0000  03  03  40  12  00  00  00  00  45  62  00  C8  DC  08 00 00

0010  F3  11  02  DC  32  14  10  01 C0  99  40  12  00  11  22  33

a. Why was the destination unreachable?

b. Was this message sent from a router or a host? 

c. What type of protocol was in the failed datagram?

d. What was the time to live of the failed packet (decimal)?  

e. What is the address of the destination of the failed datagram (dotted decimal)?

f. What is the address of the source of the failed datagram (dotted decimal)?


Chapter 23 (2,5,6,7)

2.  Determine the TCIP/IP protocol assigned the following port numbers:

a. 19

b. 7

c. 162

d. 25

e. 111

f. 520

5. Determine the meaning of the following session-bit flag fields:

a. 11 hex

b. 10 hex

d. 18 hex

d. 04 hex

e. 02 hex

f.  19 hex

6. Use the following network analyzer display of an IP datagram carrying UDP to answer the following  questions:

0000  45  44  00  4A  A0  A2  04  00  F5  11  A2  35  C0  99  B4  01

 0010  C0  99  B4  02  D6  D8  00  45  00  36  20  A3  B2  91  00  A2

a. What IP version is being used? 

b. Are IP options being used?

c. What is the precedence? 

d. What type of service is being requested?

e. How many data bytes are included in the IP datagram (decimal)?

f. Is fragmenting allowed?

g. Is this the first, last, or a middle fragment?

h. What is the decimal number of the first byte in this fragment?

i. How many routers has this diagram propagated through (decimal)? 

j. What is the source IP address (dotted decimal)? 

k. What is the destination IP address (dotted decimal)? 

l. What is the source port number (dotted decimal)? 

m. What is the category of the source port? 

n. Is the source most likely a client or a server? 

o. What is the destination port number (decimal)? 

p. What is the category of the destination port? 

q. Is the destination most likely a client or a server?

r. What protocol is the destination process? 

7. Use the following network analyzer display of an IP datagram carrying TCP to answer the following  questions:

0000  45  44  00  4A  A0  A2  04  00  F5  06  A2  35  C0  99  40 B2

0010  C0  99  40  A1  00  35  D0  A2  04  A2  B1  22  00  1A  46  A2

0020  50  12  10  00  56  8F  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00

a. What is the source port number (decimal)?

b. What is the category of the source port? f

c. Is the source most likely a client or a server?

d. What is the destination port number (decimal)?

e. What is the category of the destination port?

f. Is the destination most likely a client or a server? 

g. What protocol is the source process?

h. How many bytes are in the TCP header (decimal)?

i. Which session flags are set? 

j. What is the sender’s window size (decimal)?

k. Assuming that no errors have occurred, what should be the destination’s acknowledgement number?

l. Assuming that no errors have occurred, what should be the destination’s source sequence number?


ECET 375 Devry




ECET 375 Homework 1


ECET 375 Homework 2



ECET 375 Homework 3


ECET 375 Homework 4


ECET 375 Homework 5


ECET 375 Homework 6


ECET 375 Homework 7


ECET 375 Homework 7_b





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