Discussion Post

Discussion 1


In this week’s readings the author discusses emotional intelligence, a concept which measures people’s ability to understand emotions and express them appropriately. As you have learned, this ability is crucial to communicating effectively in interpersonal relationships. One of the major components of emotional intelligence is the ability to empathize with others. First, describe in your own wordswhat it means to have empathy. Second, share an example of a time when you found it difficult to empathize with someone. How did you handle the situation? What could you have done differently to empathize with them?

Your initial response should be 150-200 words in length





Discussion 2


Chapter Eight of Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication addresses the various elements that attract us to other people when we first enter a relationship. It might be just one thing that we like about another person or it could be several things. What do you look for in other people when you first meet them? This could be a potential romantic partner or even a platonic friend. Either way, we each look for or are attracted to certain things when we meet people. Share an example of a time when you developed a friendship/relationship with someone whom you did not get along with at first. What changed for you?

Your initial response should be 150-200 words in length




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