Module 4 – Case


Helping Restaurants Fight Obesity

As consumers become increasingly concerned about obesity and health risks associated with nutrition, many seek more information about restaurant foods. American families are estimated to spend as much as half of their food dollars at restaurants and to consume about one third of their calories outside the home.

One U.S. senator is pushing a bill to require chain restaurants to list nutritional information for all menu items. Although this law has not been passed, your city would like to encourage restaurants to offer more nutritious menu choices.

Assume that you work for Partners for a Healthier Community (PHC), which is part of the City Health and Human Services Department. PHC has been working on a program called Healthy Dining. Its goal is to offer food establishments the opportunity to be recognized as Healthy Dining restaurants. In order to be listed, owners must meet certain criteria.

A PHC team devoted to the Healthy Dining program discussed a number of requirements. The team thought that restaurants ought to offer at least two choices of fruits or vegetables. They wanted choices other than potato dishes. The team was much opposed to french fries. What could be substituted for them? Perhaps salads? In regard to the menu, the team thought that Healthy Dining restaurants should have some low-fat and low-calorie menu items, and when they are offered, customers should know what they are. However, no minimum on the number of such items would be required. The team also thought that Healthy Dining restaurants should try to provide at least some dishes in smaller portion sizes or perhaps half portions. Milk was discussed, and team members suggested that restaurants move away from offering whole milk. Team members preferred 1 percent or nonfat milk when milk was offered as a beverage.

The team gave you the task of giving a PowerPoint presentation to restaurant owners who inquired about the Health Dining rating.

(Adapted from Dr. Guffy case studies)

Case Assignment

Create a PowerPoint presentation with audio to be presented to owners who want to know how to earn the Healthy Dining rating for their restaurants. You can add audio to your presentation by using the “Record Narration” option under the Slide Show tab in PowerPoint. You will need a microphone. Address the presentation as a response to Mr. Adrian Hammersmith and guests, Adrian’s Steak House, 974 South Cobb Drive, Marietta, GA 30060. Explain in your presentation that information about the Healthy Dining program can be found at http://www.healthydiningfinder.com. This page is primarily for diners. A link at the bottom of the page, labeled “Nutrition Services,” takes dietitians and restaurateurs to information about program certification and membership.

Note: If you have trouble with adding voice then put the exact text of your talk in the “Notes” section. Once you have created your presentation, show it to somebody and have them critique you on it. Write a short summary paper describing this critique.

Use the following oral communication rubric to see how your instructor will assess your speech: Oral Communication Rubric

What if You Have Never Created a PowerPoint Presentation?

Click the link If you have never made a PowerPoint presentation before and need to learn how to use the program.

Submit your PowerPoint presentation with narration and the critique by the module’s due date.

Assignment Expectations

Create a PowerPoint presentation and upload it. (PowerPoint presentations should not be over 10MB.)

Give PowerPoint presentation in front of a live audience for critique.

Write a short summary of the critique.



Module 4 – SLP


Read the case study below about organizational social media plans:

An organization’s social media policies should be formalized for several reasons: to present the company’s brand consistently; to empower employees to become involved in the plan; and to reaffirm the organization’s stance, opinion, and views on participation.

Any social media policy should do the following:

  1. Explain why social media is important to the firm and clarify the social media’s goals.
  2. Give details about how to handle common situations such as negative complaints or scandals.
  3. Be specific about which sites are being used and for what reason.
  4. Create at-home social media use guidelines. Because social networkers are never off the clock, employees must know that reasonable office rules apply when doing business at home, too.

Discussion questions (your answers are to be included in your slide presentation): If you use social networking now, how can you translate your knowledge into a talking point during an interview? Why would it be important for an organization to provide its employees with specific responses for situations that arise with social networking? How does a unified social networking policy empower an employee?

(Case information adapted from Dr. Guffy’s case studies)

Create a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 6 slides—Intro, 3 content (body), and conclusion—on a social networking policy for your job/organization. It might be a short training presentation, a sales presentation, a presentation trying to convince management of your proposal, etc. Answer the three discussion questions in the content (body) of the slide presentation. Put the exact text of your talk in the “Notes” section. Once you have created your presentation write a short paper describing what principles from the background material you used. You will be graded on how thoroughly you apply the ideas in the readings for this module and this module’s case study.

Submit your assignments by the module’s due date.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Create a PowerPoint presentation.

Write a summary explaining why you used the principles you used in creating your PowerPoint presentation. Make full use of the Background Info, properly cited and referenced.

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