Anthropology talking points

I need these questions to be fully answered and with good quality.

Group 11:


1.)  In the case involving the remains of Jim Thorpe, the court decided his remains will stay buried in the Pennsylvania. Do you think the courts decision was right to keep his remains there, siding with his wife who originally made the decision? Or should they have given the remains back to Thorpe’s decedents to place him back in Oklahoma? 


2.)  In case 3 (from the public anthropology project), a professor at Brown University could not access her own data, because she paid her test subjects different amounts, based on their profession/economic status. Was the professor paying different amounts justified? Explain.


3.)  How and why do economies collapse? How can we try to prevent this from happening in the future? 

Group 12:


1.)  Under what circumstances is it ethical to use human research subjects? Under what circumstances is it unethical?  How much information does a research subject need to become informed and provide proper consent?


2.)  How do you distinguish between an autonomous agent and an agent with diminished autonomy?


3.)  NAGPRA is a federal act that protects Native American graves and any artifacts that might be found on the protected reservations. Should only people from that one particular tribe obtain those artifacts or share them with the rest of the others who it might benefit later on?

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