Identify the major stakeholders within the health care system that would be affected by the mobilization plan.

  • Identify the major stakeholders within the health care system that would be affected by the mobilization plan.
  • Analyze how the mobilization effort will impact staffing patterns and nursing care at the hospital.
  • Describe the medical mission team’s organizational structure of the mission team and how power is distributed.
    • Include one slide of an organizational diagram for the mission.
      • Describe the roles (in the speaker’s notes).
  • Assess how the organizational structure empowers team members.
    • Provide 1–2 examples of how team members will have power.
  • Identify key actions needed to assure quality of care and safety for mission patients and personnel.
  • Evaluate potential power issues that may arise when dealing with a multinational contingent.
    • (Be generic; that is, do not address individual nationalities, races, et cetera.)
    • Consider interactions with health care personnel from other countries.
  • Examine potential multicultural and diversity issues that mission personnel may encounter.
    • Consider that the indigenous population may be hostile to treatment.
    • Outline possible training requirements to improve cultural competencies of the personnel.
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