What information do you gather from the data in this instrument?

  1. What information do you gather from the data in this instrument?
  2. What will you do next—based on the information from the Level 1 Measure?

Utilize the DSM-5 Parent/Guardian-Rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure—Child Age 6–17 measure to differentiate between issues associated with typical childhood behaviors and clinically-significant psychiatric phenomena (psychopathology). Consider the following when differentiating between the issues:

  1. Based on your findings, would you assess that “Johnny” needs a formal referral to a pediatric psychiatrist/psychologist/counselor?

Assign the appropriate DSM diagnoses for “Johnny” in descending order, from the dominant, to the least dominant. Consider the following when assigning the DSM diagnosis:

  1. What diagnostic impression do you reach based on the information gathered about Johnny? What is your rationale for ruling-out other diagnoses?
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