Key figures: who are the main theorists associated with the theory? (This should be like a mini-biography, not just a listing of names.)

  1. Key figures: who are the main theorists associated with the theory? (This should be like a mini-biography, not just a listing of names.)
  2. Key concepts: what are the key components and concepts that make up the theory?
  3. Explanation of disordered personality: how is this theory used to explain the causes of a personality disorder?  What are some of parts used in the explanation? How would a theorist explain the development of a personality disorder based on this theory?
  4. Scientific credibility: is this theory testable?  If yes, what are some of the ways that it is tested?  What are some of the tests used? If not, why is it not testable?
  5. Comprehensiveness: does this theory look at the whole person?  Does it address all parts of personality, or does it look at only various components?
  6. Applicability: how is this theory used in the world of psychology in a professional manner?  Think about different types of psychology that the theory might be used in, and talk about how (i.e. counseling, educational, I.O.). Provide specific examples here.
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