How can counselors challenge a client without getting into a     power struggle with a client, or provoking client   defensiveness?

  1. How can counselors challenge a client without getting into a     power struggle with a client, or provoking client   defensiveness?
  2. How can counselors help a client to identify     unused resources and strengths?
  3. How can counselors help a     client to identify blind spots while continuing to provide empathy     and support for the client? 
  4. How would counselors work     with a client within an interdisciplinary treatment team?
  5. How can a counselor act as a consultant when a practicing     counselor asks for help to strengthen their challenging skills with   clients?
  6. For this part of the assignment, you may write in     the first person. Reflect on your level of assertiveness. Do you     feel you are assertive enough to challenge clients comfortably or do     you feel you are too passive or aggressive? What might keep you from     challenging a client?
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