· Briefly explain Corrigan’s model of the stages of stigma and his recommendations and hierarchy about recovery. 

· Briefly explain Corrigan’s model of the stages of stigma and his recommendations and hierarchy about recovery. 

· Explain whether Delle’s experience follows that model. Use specific examples to argue your perspective. If you agree, identify which stage of recovery Delle is in. 

· Analyze Delle’s reports about his own experiences with both types of stigma. Provide specific examples, and in your analysis consider the following questions: 


o Does one type of stigma predominate in his talk?

o Which of Delle’s personal values or beliefs were challenged by his internalizations about his own illness and help-seeking?

o What strengths does he exhibit?

o What was the primary benefit of his diagnosis?

o Do you think his experience would be different if his culture was different? Explain why or why not?

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