Question 1  1.

Question 1  1.  According to DSM-5, the time frame for a sustained remission specifier is:    2–10 months.    13+ months.    2 weeks.    3–12 months. 5 points    Question 2  1.  According to Kurtz (2008), hope first occurs at which step?    Step 1.    Step 2.    Step 3.    Step 4. 5 points    Question 3  1.  According to the Dynamic Model of Relapse, these are factors that determine how one perceives recovery.    Distal risks.    Cognitive processes.    Tonic responses.    Phasic responses. 5 points    Question 4  1.  According to the text, a Substance Use Disorder is a (or an):    acute relapsing condition.    chronic relapsing condition.    consistent condition.    unstable condition. 5 points    Question 5  1.  According to the text, a person in recovery from alcohol use disorder who has one sip of beer at a wedding is said to have experienced a:    slip.    relapse.    lapse.    abstinence violation effect. 5 points    Question 6  1.  As a student, if you wanted to learn about AA or NA groups, this would be the type of group you would most likely attend.    Closed.    Open.    Either would be appropriate.    AA or NA only permits those in recovery to enter. 5 points    Question 7  1.  Covering up the addicted individual’s behaviors and negating the associated negative consequences is an example of:    co-dependency.    enabling.    helping.    sacrificing. 5 points    Question 8  1.  In Bowenian Theory, telling family members to talk to each other and not to you as counselor is called:    joining.    creating enactments.    differentiation.    creating a triad. 5 points    Question 9  1.  In Marlatt’s Model, the second category of variables contributing to addiction consists of:    coping skills.    outcome expectancies.    cravings.    poor parenting. 5 points    Question 10  1.  In the prior version of the DSM (the DSM-IV), which of the following was considered the less severe disorder?    Substance dependence.    Mild substance use disorder.    Mild substance dependence.    Substance abuse. 5 points    Question 11  1.  Non-support of a family member’s addiction recovery is an example of:    homeostasis.    boundaries.    triads.    subsytems. 5 points    Question 12  1.  The 12-Step Philosophy does NOT embrace which of the following?    Physical.    Medical.    Spiritual.    Mental. 5 points    Question 13  1.  The 12-Steps are concerned with:    character defects.    psychopathology.    illness.    detox. 5 points    Question 14  1.  The ability to separate from the family and be an independent individual is called:    breaking.    emotional cutoff.    differentiation.    triads. 5 points    Question 15  1.  This model proposes that co-occurring SUD and psychiatric disorders originate from the same risk factor.    Correlated liabilities model.    Secondary substance abuse model.    Common factor model.    Reciprocal causation model. 5 points    Question 16  1.  This model proposes that co-occurring psychiatric disorders precede and cause the onset of SUD.    Correlated liabilities model.    Secondary substance abuse model.    Common factor model.    Reciprocal causation model. 5 points    Question 17  1.  Which of the following substances may have anti-psychotic qualities?    Alcohol.    Opiates.    Cocaine.    Marijuana. 5 points    Question 18  1.  Which of these are NOT one of the three rules within an alcoholic family?    Obtain help for the addicted family member.    Protect the addicted family member from the consequences of their behavior.    Do not discuss the addiction.    Do not confront the addiction. 5 points       Question 19  1.  ______ is a step beyond ______.    Abstinence, recovery.    Recovery, abstinence.    Relapse, recovery.    Recovery, relapse. 5 points    Question 20  1.  ______ is the 12-Step program for families of an addicted individual.    Alanon.    Alateen.    AA.    NA. 5 points     Save and Submit  Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers.

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