1. Define the target behavior to be prioritized for intervention.

1. Define the target behavior to be prioritized for intervention.

2. Identify the social significance of the target behavior.

3. Apply measurement, data display (graphing), and data-based decision-making skills to make changes in human behavior.

4. Describe assessment results and interventions in language appropriate for caregivers and significant others.

5. Evaluate key ABA concepts, principles, and methods to analyze and change target behaviors from research.

6. Design function-based interventions that address response effort, practitioner skills, contextual fit, practicality, treatment acceptability, and administrative support.

Use the following subheadings to organize your paper and format them in APA style:

1. Target Behavior.

2. Measurement & Visual Display.

3. Research.

4. Intervention.

Additional Requirements

· Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

· APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.

· Resources: At least 3 scholarly resources.

· Length: 1–2 double-spaced pages, excluding title page and list of references.

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