EBP Implementation Plan Guide

EBP Implementation Plan Guide

PICOT Question
Topic 1

Preliminary Checkpoint

Identify a health care issue you want to see change.

Understand the culture of the organization in its readiness for EBP implementation.

Develop PICOT question.

Build EBP knowledge and skills.

Topic 2

Checkpoint 1

Define project purpose.

Who are the stakeholders for your project?

Identify active (on the implementation team) and supportive (not on the team, but essential to success) roles.

Identify project team roles and leadership.

Begin acquisition of any necessary approvals for project implementation and dissemination (e.g., system leadership, unit leadership, ethics board [IRB]).

Feasibility: Briefly integrate the evidence with stakeholder influence to inform evidence-based recommendations.

Hone PICOT question.

Topic 3

Checkpoint 2

Conduct literature search and retain studies that meet criteria for inclusion.

Connect with librarian.

Critically appraise literature.

Summarize evidence with focus on implications for practice.

Topic 4

Checkpoint 3

Begin formulating a detailed plan for implementation of evidence.

Include who must know about the project, when they will know, how they will know.

Connect the evidence and the project.

Identify and address known barriers and facilitators of project.

Define post-project outcome indicators of a successful project.

Topic 5

Checkpoint 4

Define baseline data collection source(s) (e.g., existing data set, electronic health record), methods, and measures.

Identify resources (human, fiscal, and other) necessary to complete project.

Gather outcome measures.

Write data collection protocol.

Write the project protocol (data collection fits in this document).

Finalize any necessary approvals for project implementation and dissemination (e.g., system leadership, unit leadership, IRB).

Topic 6

Checkpoint 5

Finalize protocol for implementation of evidence.

Complete final data collection for project evaluation.

Include specific plan for how the evaluation will take place: who, what, when, where and how, and communication mechanisms to stakeholders.

Topic 7

Checkpoint 6

Complete proposal.

Develop proposal presentation.

Topic 8

Checkpoint 7

Present proposal.

Review proposals, addressing new questions generated from process of the peer review.

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