Option 1: Examine the movement and specific work in relation to historical and political influences of the movement. Include a one paragraph summary of the plot before moving on to the examination of the work in relation to the movement.

Option 1: Examine the movement and specific work in relation to historical and political influences of the movement. Include a one paragraph summary of the plot before moving on to the examination of the work in relation to the movement.

Option 2: Examine a specific artwork influenced by a literary work and how the artist captured the subject or story. Here are a few examples, but you are not restricted to this list:

  • Asher B. Durand’s Thanatopsis (influenced by William Cullen Bryant’s “Thanatopsis”)
  • John William Waterhouse’s The Lady of Shalott (influenced by Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s “The Lady of Shalott”)
  • Sir John Everett Millais’s Ophelia (influenced by Shakespeare’s Ophelia from Hamlet)
  • Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s Apollo and Daphne or The Rape of Prosperina (influenced by ancient myths)
  • Ancient Greek vase painting (influenced by various ancient myths)

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 7, 8

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 1 Full page
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references
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