2) Discuss the interrelationship between theory, knowledge, research and evidence-based practice.

1) How do Fawcett and Garity’s (see attached file)definitions align with your understanding of knowledge, theory, research and evidence-based practice? Support your response with evidence from the literature (quote the literature below in the required readings).

2) Discuss the interrelationship between theory, knowledge, research and evidence-based practice.

3) How does this interrelationship support or guide your EBP Project?

Required Readings

Terry, A. J. (2018). Clinical research for the Doctor of Nursing practice (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

With your EBP project in mind, select and read the chapter that best fits your proposed methodologies: (I can attach the following chapters, let me know if you don’t have them and need me to attach them)

  • Chapter      6, “Designing a Clinically-Based Quantitative Capstone Research Project”
  • Chapter      7, “Designing a Clinically-Based Qualitative Capstone Research Project”
  • Chapter      8, “Designing a Clinically-Based Mixed Method Capstone Research Project”

Fawcett, J., & Garity, J. (2009). Chapter 1: Research and evidence-based nursing practice. In Evaluating Research for Evidence-Based Nursing, (pp. 3-20). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis.

Adams, J.M., & Natarajan, S. (2016). Understanding influence within the context of nursing: Development of the Adams influence model using practice, research, and theory. Advances in Nursing Science, 39(3), E40-E56.

Djulbergovic, B. (2014). A framework to bridge the gaps between evidence-based medicine, health outcomes, and improvement and implementation science. Journal of Oncology Practice, 10(3), 200-202.

Hutchinson, A.M., Bioeth, M., Wilkinson, J.E., Kent, B., & Harrison, M.B. (2012). Using the promoting action on research implementation in health services framework to guide research use in the practice setting. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, First Quarter, 59-61.

Leung, K., Trevena, L., & Waters, D. (2014). Systematic review of instruments for measuring nurses’ knowledge, skills and attitudes for evidence-based practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing 70(10), 2181–2195.

Leung, K., Trevena, L., & Waters, D. (2016). Development of a competency framework for evidence-based practice in nursing. Nurse Education Today, 39, 189-196.

PIICOT Question

In patients in extended intensive care within an urban acute care facility in Eastern United States, how does early mobilization as recommended by National Institute of Health and Care Excellence clinical guidelines on rehabilitation of patients after critical illness impact early transfers from intensive care as measured 6 months post-implementation when compared to the current standard of care including minimal mobilization of patients?

P: Adult patients

I: in extended intensive care within an urban acute care facility

I: increased mobilization of the patients

C: minimal mobilization of the patients

O: early transfers of the patients from intensive care

T: 6 months

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