Running head: Community Assessment and Analysis 1


Running head: Community Assessment and Analysis 1

Community Assessment and Analysis 5

Newark Community Assessment and Analysis

Student Name

University Affiliation

Newark Assessment Form

Physical assessment of the community.

From the physical assessment of the community the area is relatively high populated with a population of 280,143. Also the infrastructures like roads and electricity in the area are properly developed as evident in the majority of the roads been tarmacked and well lit. From the economic standpoint there are formidable economic activities taking place in the community or city as the city acts a destination for many business conferences.

Newark Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment

Value/beliefs of Newark Community

From the assessment done the predominant ethnic and cultural group in the community is Indian American majority of whom strongly believed in traditional art practice. This belief in artistic practice has made Newark community or city a tourist destination especially with construction of a world class art center of New Jersey performing art center. Moreover, the community has spiritual resources like churches where people commune together and also support groups. The community members’ value health promotion measures despite practicing some shunned medical practices like Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). A good evidence of this is practice is clearly seen in the way community members are eager to learn and attend medical seminars periodically conducted in the community.

Under health management category the main challenge which the community is struggling with is the issue of cost of medical care (affordability) and sanitation problems due to inadequacy of clean water. Compared to the CDC records the area stands at 63.5% water stress, moreover immunization rates are very high especially with the development of world class hospitals in the region.

Nutrition/metabolic assessment of Newark Community

From just observing majority of the people are malnourished especially the young children and this could be seen from the pale and skimpy hairs. Majority of the food stuff in the community are brought from neighboring communities and some from the World Food Program (WFP).

Environmental Health Concerns

The only environmental concern is the issue of waste control which is not only creating environmental concern but also health concerns. From just walking around the houses one could see the level of development of social amenities in the area.

Interview Form

a) What is your name?


I’m Doctor Joan Rose

b) What position do you hold in the public health provider in Newark community?


I am the community chief public health officer

c) What is your role as public health provider?


Some of the roles of public health provider in Newark community is to provide, protect and promote at the same time improve the health of the people in the community. Create a sensitization program that would educate, train and create awareness among the local community members on any emergent healthcare concern.

d) What are some of the experiences you have had working in the community?


One of the most important experiences which I think has been of big impact to me is the warm and friendly reception the community members have given especially during seminars and workshops. It has really made everything else just work out well.

e) What influence has international organization and partnership brought to Newark community?


International community and organization has played a key role in providing financial support to promote medical research and health care promotion measures. Especially World Bank, European Union, and WFP.

f) What are some of the social or cultural beliefs if any that has hindered or promoted health promotion measures?


So far I haven’t come across cultural values or beliefs that is hindering health promotion measures.

g) What are some of the activities besides medical procedures have you incorporated to facilitate cognitive and physical wellbeing?


Advocating for regular exercise, which is designed for each and every age group so that everyone can find an area they fit.

h) Are there any natural or human triggered disasters that needs attention of both healthcare sector and other stakeholders in development?


Not to my knowledge.

i) What is the mortality rate in the Newark?

The mortality rate in the city has been greatly reduced to 9.5% especially with more investments been put in health care sector.

j) And has it changed since you joined the city as a public health provider?


Yes it has changed significantly just like I mentioned above that the bilateral partnership has really boasted the health sector big time.

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