Practicum Experience Time Log and Journal Template

Practicum Experience Time Log and Journal Template

Student Name:

E-mail Address:

Practicum Placement Agency’s Name:

Preceptor’s Name:

Preceptor’s Telephone:

Preceptor’s E-mail Address:

(Continued next page)

Time Log

List the objective(s) met and briefly describe the activities you completed during each time period. If you are not on-site for a specific week, enter “Not on site” for that week in the Total Hours for This Time Frame column. Journal entries are due in Weeks 4, 8, and 11; include your Time Log with all hours logged (for current and previous weeks) each time you submit a journal entry.

You are encouraged to complete your practicum hours on a regular schedule, so you will complete the required hours by the END of WEEK 11.

Time Log
Week Dates Times Total Hours for This Time Frame Activities/Comments Learning Objective(s) Addressed
Total Hours Completed:

Journal Entries

· Include references immediately following the content.

· Use APA style for your journal entry and references.

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