Unit 1 Assignment:

The following Course Outcome is assessed in this Assignment:

MT450-1: Examine how marketing strategies influence marketing decisions.

Introduction and instructions: In this Assignment you have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of concepts from your reading as applied to a simulation. First read the background concerning the scenario Adaptive Sports Global (ASG) company. Then view the simulation provided all the way through to gain a glimpse of what it might be like to work as a marketing product line manager in a well-funded startup company.

The second simulation will provide details you need to understand to more successfully complete the Assignment. Once you have thoroughly viewed the second simulation at least once, address the required checklist items below to complete the Assignment.

Read Adaptive Sports Global  (ASG) background information needed for this Assignment.Scenario: Adaptive Sports Global

-View the meeting of the marketing director at Adaptive Sports Global (ASG), and the

marketing management team meeting , to begin to develop the marketing strategy and marketing plan.

 View the simulation for details  for the Assignment below.

· Choose one of three product lines listed below for which you want to be responsible. Then respond to all the checklist items.

The first products within each of these three product lines that ASG will introduce to the market in three months (in the colors of red, navy, white, blue, black, green, and grey-unless otherwise stipulated) are:

Product line 1. Winter line:

Ski poles that convert to adjustable shock resistant hiking poles with a push of a button.

Skis that become snowshoes. Retractable length and when a button is pushed, cleats descend.

Ski boots (black or brown) that adapt to sleet, ice, or snow and/or unstable terrain, with retractable cleats; these boots can even be used for golfing.

Snowboards (ultra-aqua; navy; grey with logo) with lightweight retractable legs that become benches.

Product line 2. Spring/Summer/Fall line:

Boat and parasailing sails that adapt to wind, rain, and temperature conditions. They come in sizes for standard craft and in several colors. Parasails also double as tents.

Tennis rackets that convert to racquetball rackets with a collapsible shaft that stays stable under any normal use impact conditions.

Hiking/walking shoes (brown or black) that are waterproof but breathable and elevate when thick mud or rain are detected.

Surf boards (white/blue stripes; blue, white stripes) that have collapsible legs to convert to beach lounges.

Product line 3. Apparel: Hats, helmets, vests, and jackets (male and female lines): Fabrics and materials that adapt to the wearer’s temperature as well as the ambient temperature and that are sustainably made in the United States (US).

Checklist: Based on your analysis of the information provided regarding ASG and the simulation details provided above:

· Describe the company’s core competencies based on the limited information in the scenario.

· Provide a general company SWOT analysis based on the company scenario.

· Explain which of Porter’s three overall marketing strategies from the Learning Activity the company should use, and why.

· Identify your chosen ASG product line.

· Summarize the competition to your chosen product line as found on the Internet.

· Explain the distribution strategy that should be used for this product line. Should ASG consider strategic alliances for your product line? Why or why not?

· Analyze how your chosen marketing strategy (from Porter) shown above impacts what the 4 P’s will be for one (1) of the products from your chosen product line.

Respond in a minimum 350- to 500-word document in Microsoft® Word® in addition to the title and reference pages using APA format and citation style.



Adaptive Sports Global (ASG) Corporation*

This brand new ASG startup company has just hired you on as one of three new

marketing product line managers reporting to the marketing director. Several years in

the planning, the start-up is now becoming operational. The founders are engineers and

managers who are sports enthusiasts that wanted better clothing and gear to pursue

their sports passions. Besides hiring based on specific qualifications for the particular

job, they only hire athletes and weekend sports enthusiasts who use various types of

sporting gear and clothing in their personal lives and can therefore relate to the user.

They allow the first two weeks at the company for intensive training and using the gear

to become thoroughly familiar with the product. Whatever feedback they get from users

they funnel into the production and design to make improvements. All production is

done within the United States (U.S.) The founders want to keep the company relatively

small in staff but with a global market. The headquarters is located outside of Pittsburg

PA. The headquarters building as well as their production facilities (which predominantly

uses robots for actual production work) and large warehouse are Green Seal® and

LEED certified®*(Green Seal; BuidingGreen, 2019). The company is committed to

planting the amount of trees each year to offset their carbon emissions generated from

production. The majority of products are currently sold directly to customers through the company website.

The mission of the company is: We make quality clothes and equipment that we sell to

active people anywhere, that adapt to the terrain and climate in a sustainable manner.

The objectives, according to the executives of ASG, are:

 Create sustainable clothes that adapt to temperature variations and weather

conditions in a sustainable manner.

 Design and produce sports equipment that will adapt to (1) differing terrains and

climates as well as (2) adapt to different sports and (3) provide excellent


The department has hired you as one of three new marketing product line managers

(you can read the general product manager job duties).

Product line 1. Sports Equipment: Winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, winter

climbing, skating, ice hockey, etc.) and shoes or boots that apply.

Product line 2. Sports Equipment: All other sports: Sailing (and parasailing), surfing,

tennis, golf, rock climbing (and indoor gym/parcourse, etc.) and footwear that fit those


Product line 3. Apparel: All sports clothing lines, starting with hats, helmets, vests, and

jackets (male and female lines).

All equipment and apparel is either compostable, or can be recycled. All equipment comes with

a free return label when the person has finished with the equipment so that it may be recycled.

corporate structure: 46 employees to date


For instance, wooden surf boards that are cracked from impact on rocks etc. can be sent back

to ASG. The company then recycles the components to make new surfboards or repairs them

and donates them to third world areas or poorer countries where sports equipment might be

considered unattainable economically.

*Disclaimer: The organization and characters depicted in this exercise are fictional. Any resemblance to real organizations or individuals is purely coincidental. This exercise may include actual companies and

brand names solely for instructional purposes; this exercise is not associated with any such actual company or brand name. All trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.

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