The Flu This Year


The Flu This Year

The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. The virus changes every year, meaning that you need to prepare for each new flu season. The flu season usually starts in October and can last until May. The worst flu months are between December and February.

Signs and Symptoms

· Fever

· Chills

· Headache

· Congestion

· Fatigue

· Vomiting and Diarrhea

(CDC, 2014)

How to Stop the Spread

The University Health Center offers flu shots for students of Southern Adventist University to try and stop the spread of the flu. To further stop the spread of the flu or avoid catching it, do not go to class or school with a fever, avoid sharing food or drinks, and carry hand sanitizer with you. (CDC, 2014)

The Flu Shot

Study’s show, many students don’t receive the flu shot, causing a rise in the risk of catching the flu (Donovan, 2012). Get your flu shot at the University Health Center and stop the spread!

Staying Healthy during flu season

Davita L. Sauls| Grand Canyon University | NRS 427V

The Flu and College Students

Each year on college campuses and school, the flu spreads amongst students. Living in dormitories, sharing bathrooms, and all the social activities make colleges more at-risk communities for individuals to contract and spread the influenza virus (Vorvick, 2014). In this college community, we must be very careful in stopping the spread of illness. The influenza virus can be very dangerous and even cause death. Luckily, college students are generally healthy, but what students must keep in mind, is how contagious this illness is and who you could potentially be spreading the virus to. Those who’s immune systems are not as strong, the young, and old, may have more serious complications if they contract the influenza virus. Taking the necessary precautions in stopping the spread of germs, especially during flu season, can mean making a difference in the lives of many.

Southern Adventist University offers many opportunities for students to stay active and healthy. Taking advantage of these along with taking precautions against the spread of germs and getting your annual flu shot, will help you stay healthy during this year’s flu season.

Hand washing and Hand Sanitizer

Knowing how to properly wash your hands and use hand sanitizer can be very useful in keeping healthy during flu season.

· Wet hands with warm or cool water

· Lather with soap on all surfaces of hands (even under your nails!)

· Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds

· Rinse with water and pat or air dry

Washing your hands frequently can help you and the people around you stay healthy!

If you are not around any soap and water, be sure to carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with you. Apply a dime-sized amount to hands and rub your hands together on all surfaces until they are dry.

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