Based on the video, the website above, and the summary, please answer these three questions: 1.Do you think One Smooth Stone is organized by function, location, or customer? Why do you think that?

Based on the video, the website above, and the summary, please answer these three questions:

1.Do you think One Smooth Stone is organized by function, location, or customer? Why do you think that?

2.What are some of the ways in which One Smooth Stone delivers quality to its clients?

3. Why does One Smooth Stone use a Horizontal arrangement rather than a Vertical arrangement? What is the advantage of being Horizontal?

Assignment Expectations

1.Answer the questions using paragraph form

2.Combined, answers should be at least 500 words

3.Use a combination of your own ideas and content from the text keeping in mind the 80/20 rule

4.APA format

5.At least two references and citations

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