Case 7-1: ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) 1.Which of the two aircraft breaches is more serious: the breach described here or the breach created by the hacker (described earlier in the chapter) who took control of a plane’s throttle briefly through the entertainment system and then tweeted about it? Why?

Case 7-1: ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System)

1.Which of the two aircraft breaches is more serious: the breach described here or the breach created by the hacker (described earlier in the chapter) who took control of a plane’s throttle briefly through the entertainment system and then tweeted about it? Why? -ryan verrilli

2.Which of the access controls and storage/transmission controls would be most helpful for the ACARS problem? The entertainment system problem? Why? -Jovani

3. If password control is used to solve the ACARS weakness, what might hackers do next?

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