1. Retention comprises all of the following activities EXCEPT: A. rewarding employees for performing their jobs effectively. B. ensuring harmonious working relations between employees and managers. C. maintaining a safe, healthy work environment. D. identifying work requirements within an organization.

1. Retention comprises all of the following activities EXCEPT:
A. rewarding employees for performing their jobs
B. ensuring harmonious working relations between employees and managers.
C. maintaining a safe, healthy work environment.
D. identifying work requirements within an organization.

2. All of the following are general categories of HRM activities EXCEPT:
A. managing change.
B. development.
C. outplacement.
D. adjustment.

3. Ron is a senior production manager at an avionics product research and development organization. Which of the following would be part of Ron’s responsibility for managing change?
A. Providing a vision of where his unit is going.
B. Providing expertise to facilitate the overall process of managing change.
C. Developing legally sound performance management systems.
D. Respecting the dignity of each individual in his unit.

4. Which of the following was NOT part of the “Three-C” logic that dominated industrial society’s approach to organizational design throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries?
A. Coordination
B. Command
C. Control
D. Compartmentalized information

5. The measure of output of goods and services relative to the input of labor, capital, and equipment is known as:
A. quality enhancement.
B. profits.
C. productivity.
D. resources.

6. Which of the following is an example of a direct cost associated with mismanaged organizational stress?
A. Dissatisfaction
B. Low motivation
C. Absenteeism
D. Decline in frequency of contact

7. Distrust, disrespect, and animosity pertain to which component of indirect costs associated with mismanaged organizational stress?
A. Quality of work relations
B. Participation and membership
C. Performance on the job
D. Communication breakdowns

8. What is the numerator used in the formula used to calculate turnover over any period?
A. Average workforce size for the period
B. Number of turnover incidents per period
C. Previous period’s turnover
D. Percentage of new employees
9. Indirect measures of training outcomes can often be converted into estimates of the dollar impact of training by using a method known as:
A. work-life initiative.
B. value creation.
C. behavior costing.
D. utility analysis.

10. The Thirteenth Amendment:
A. prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude.
B. guarantees equal protection of the law for all citizens.
C. prohibits the denial, termination, or suspension of government contracts.
D. prohibits each government in the U.S. to stop a citizen from voting based on race.

11. The Civil Rights Act of 1871:
A. prohibits the denial, termination, or suspension of government contracts if an employer is following an affirmative action plan accepted by the federal government for the same facility within the past 12 months.
B. requires that men and women working for the same establishment be paid the same rate of pay for work that is substantially equal in skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions.
C. grants all citizens the right to sue in federal court if they feel they have been deprived of any rights guaranteed by the Constitution and other laws.
D. provides that a seniority system that intentionally discriminates against the members of a protected group can be challenged within 180 days.

12. The ADA Amendments Act of 2008:
A. broadened the definition of a disability
B. included current drug and alcohol abusers.
C. added individuals who can function normally with mitigating measures.
D. was the first act to define the disabled as a protected group

13. The EEOC:
A. does not have the power to sue on its own behalf.
B. does not have the power to sue on the behalf of a discrimination claimant.
C. can sue on behalf of itself or on the behalf of a discrimination claimant.
D. does not have the power to sue.
14. To establish a prima facie case of age discrimination with respect to termination, an individual must show all of the following EXCEPT:
A. he/she is doing satisfactory work.
B. he/she was discharged despite satisfactory work performance.
C. he/she is within the protected age group (60 years of age and over).
D. the position was filled by a person younger than the person replaced.

15. _____ prohibits practices having an adverse impact on protected groups, unless they are job related.
A. The Thirteenth Amendment
B. The Fourteenth Amendment
C. Executive Order 11478
D. Title VII
16. The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) provides returning veterans with
. The same seniority
. The same status and pay
. Other rights and benefits determined by seniority
D. All of the above

17. When companies discover they can communicate better with their customers through employees who are similar to their customers, those companies then realize they have increased their _____ diversity.
A. primary
B. secondary
C. internal
D. external
18. Which generation was born in the middle of the Great Depression?
A. The silent generation
B. Generation Y
C. The baby-boom generation
D. Generation X

19. Gen Y’ers rate which of the following as at least as important as compensation
A. High quality colleagues
B. Flexible work arrangements
C. Both A and B.
D. None of the above
20. Performance at an acceptable but not outstanding level, coupled with little or no effort to improve one’s current performance is termed:
A. obsolescence.
B. mid-career plateau.
C. glass ceiling.
D. career bottleneck.

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