The conventional wisdom of monolithic expansion, ownership of all strategic resources, and carefully controlled market entry appears outdated. However, it may not be advantageous to outsource every product or service produced in a country. Detail and elaborate on the criteria or factors an organization should consider prior to outsourcing aspects of the product or service they produce. Please respond to at least two fellow students’ postings, advancing and debating the key points of their posting.

The conventional wisdom of monolithic expansion, ownership of all strategic resources, and carefully controlled market entry appears outdated. However, it may not be advantageous to outsource every product or service produced in a country. Detail and elaborate on the criteria or factors an organization should consider prior to outsourcing aspects of the product or service they produce. Please respond to at least two fellow students’ postings, advancing and debating the key points of their posting.

Globally Right Source

Pressures to provide improved products at lower costs are an important factor prompting offshore outsourcing. Explain the concept of “globally right source” and detail how a firm can “globally right source” their value-adding activities to maximize their global competitive position. Please respond to at least two fellow students’ postings, advancing and debating the key points of their posting.

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