True/False: 56. Hospice care is provided both at home and in healthcare facilities.


56. Hospice care is provided both at home and in healthcare facilities.

57. Home health care is based on the concept of taking the services to the consumer.

58. All home care services must be ordered by a physician.

59. Most hospice organizations are nonprofit.

60. Managed care is not an important factor in the growth of adult day care.

Multiple Choice:

61. Which of the following is not a Medicare-covered home care service?

[1] skilled nursing

[2] speech pathology

[3] Meals on Wheels

[4] medical social services

62. Physician services for hospice patients are provided by:

[1] a physician employed by the hospice.

[2] the patient’s own physician.

[3] either of the above.

[4] neither of the above.

63. Adult day care developed from the concept of:

[1] home care.

[2] hospice.

[3] respite.

[4] welfare.

64. When is home health care more cost-effective than nursing facility care?

[1] never

[2] when used intermittently

[3] when used exclusively

[4] always

65. Medicare pays hospice providers on the basis of:

[1] reimbursement of costs incurred.

[2] a per diem rate.

[3] DRGs.

[4] capitation.

Chapter 10


66. A “gatekeeper” is a person or agency that determines how much and what type of care is received by an individual.

67. The primary role of state government in regulating long-term care quality is as the designated agency administering federal programs.

68. HIPAA prohibits sharing clinical data about a consumer with other providers without the consumer’s written permission.

69. Certified nursing assistants (CNAs) are not licensed.

70. Private certification standards measure minimal acceptable levels of performance.

Multiple Choice:

71. Nursing facility administrators are licensed by:

[1] the federal government.

[2] state governments.

[3] the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations.

[4] none of the above.

72. Which of the following is not a reason why long-term care is so heavily regulated?

[1] Consumers of long-term care often have no other recourse.

[2] Consumers of long-term care are politically powerful.

[3] Consumers of long-term care are vulnerable.

[4] Consumers of long-term care are often unable to judge quality for themselves.

73. Which of the following must be licensed?

[1] hospital administrators

[2] nursing facility administrators

[3] home health care administrators

[4] all of the above

74. Which of the following is not an accrediting agency?


[2] NCQA

[3] CARF

[4] HCFA

75. Most accreditation agencies measure performance against standards that are:

[1] based on government regulatory standards.

[2] the same as licensure requirements.

[3] less stringent than licensure requirements.

[4] set higher than licensure requirements.

Chapter 2


76. The Affordable Care Act passed with a mix of Republican and Democrats votes.

77. The ACA requires individuals to have insurance coverage and businesses to provide coverage or pay fines.

78. The United States Supreme Court ruled that the individual mandate was, in fact, a tax.

79. The “No Wrong Door” system portion of the ACA mandates that long-term care consumers can access any provider’s services.

80. “Pay-for-performance” provides financial incentives to healthcare providers to achieve optimal outcomes for patients.

Multiple Choice:

81. Which of these is not part of the stated aim of the ACA?

[1] to increase the affordability of health insurance coverage for Americans

[2] to reduce the costs of health care for individuals

[3] to be implemented within two years

[4] to reduce the costs of health care for the government

82. The ACA makes cuts in Medicare to finance part of the new spending, including:

[1] reduction in funding for Medicare Advantage policies.

[2] reduction in Medicare home healthcare payments.

[3] reduction in certain Medicare hospital payments.

[4] all of the above.

83. The Medicare hospital readmissions reduction program (HRRP):

[1] assesses penalties on hospitals with high readmission rates for patients with certain medical conditions.

[2] assesses penalties on nursing homes with high readmission rates from hospitals.

[3] has little impact on long-term care providers.

[4] requires that long-term care providers have contracts with hospitals.

84. The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act:

[1] was designed to establish a national long-term care insurance program.

[2] was delayed for three years.

[3] is not considered particularly important.

[4] none of the above.

85. The ACA’s employer mandate:

[1] has no impact on long-term care providers.

[2] affects all long-term care providers.

[3] affects only larger long-term care providers.

[4] none of the above.

Chapter 9


86. Long-term care today is a competition-driven system.

87. Competition in long-term care comes both from other LTC organizations and from other types of organizations.

88. The difference between cooperation and integration is largely a matter of degree and structure.

89. Horizontal integration involves an alliance of two or more organizations providing similar services.

90. An ownership-based IHS usually consists of a mix of nonprofit and for-profit subsidiaries.

Multiple Choice:

91. Which of the following is not a reason for joining an integrated health system?

[1] economies of scale

[2] protection against competitors

[3] increased market share

[4] reduced regulation

92. History has shown that increasing the availability of services usually results in:

[1] no change in usage of services.

[2] a decrease in usage of services.

[3] an increase in usage of services.

[4] creation of new services.

93. The influence of managed care on the competitiveness of long-term care:

[1] is great.

[2] has not been felt yet.

[3] has been great, but is diminishing.

[4] is insignificant.

94. Integrated clinical information systems typically address four specific areas: patient management, clinical guidelines, quality improvement, and:

[1] patient education.

[2] financial management.

[3] regulatory reporting.

[4] clinical outcomes.

95. To date, most integrated health systems have been built around:

[1] nursing facility chains.

[2] hospitals.

[3] government agencies.

[4] non-healthcare businesses.

5 Points – Discuss what you have learned about Long Term Care thus-far, that you did not know before. How has this effected what you think about your future.

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