Why do doctors measure reflexes during a diagnostic exam?

Derrick age 22

Derrick requests a routine physical.

Maria age 45

Maria complains of decreased focusing ability for near objects and headache.

Edward age 70

Edward complains of muscle weakness and blurred vision.

. Color Blindness Test





2. Astigmatism Test





3. Visual Acuity Test


20 / 20

20 / 30

20 / 80

4. Knee Jerk Reflex Test





5. Pupillary Reflex Test





1. Why do doctors measure reflexes during a diagnostic exam?

23. Consider both the symptoms and results for each of the three patients to answer the following:

Were there any abnormal test results?

Using your text, the library and the internet to perform research explain what condition you think could explain the patient’s symptoms and results? Explain why you suspect this condition?

What causes the condition you believe this patient may have?


Derrick is color blind

Color blindness is a usually a genetic (hereditary) condition (you are born with it). Red/green and blue colour blindness is usually passed down from your parents. The gene which is responsible for the condition is carried on the X chromosome and this is the reason why many more men are affected than women


Maria has an Astigmatism

Astigmatism is caused by an eye that is not completely round and occurs in nearly everybody to some degree. For vision problems due to astigmatism, glasses, contact lenses, and even vision correction procedures are all possible treatment options.

A person’s eye is naturally shaped like a sphere. Under normal circumstances, when light enters the eye, it refracts, or bends evenly, creating a clear view of the object. However, the eye of a person with astigmatism is shaped more like a football or the back of a spoon. For this person, when light enters the eye it is refracted more in one direction than the other, allowing only part of the object to be in focus at one time. Objects at any distance can appear blurry and wavy.


Edward s visual Acuity test 2o/80

Knee jerk reflex abnormal

Pupillary reflex test abnormal

Lab – Neuromuscular

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 6: Apply biological concepts to factors related to human health.

Explain the importance of a yearly eye exam.

Explain why doctors measure reflexes during the diagnostic exam.

Evaluate symptoms and results of patient 1.

Evaluate symptoms and results of patient 2.

Evaluate symptoms and results of patient 3.


There are five labs within this course. The first lab, Neuromuscular Lab, is included in this unit. The other labs are in Units 5, 7, 8, and 10. Each lab corresponds to the topics learned in that particular unit, or in the unit prior to the lab.
To complete, you will open the labs by clicking Launch Lab and then following the instructions. Each lab is interactive and will ask you to walk through various situations that are used to better help you understand the particular topics discussed within the course.
Please note that at the end of each lab is an assessment. To complete the assessment, you will fill out the items requested within the lab and then download that document, or documents, to your computer and save it. You will be required to attach the documents to the assignment and then submit the assignment.
The Neuromuscular Lab focuses on three patients who are getting their yearly physical, including an eye exam and reflex test. It will have you go through the process of the eye exams from an optometrist’s point of view. Click Launch Lab to begin.
Make sure that you review the Lab – Neuromuscular Scoring Guide prior to submitting your document to ensure you have met all of the expectations for this assignment. Note that it is recommended to review the scoring guide prior to downloading your document, or documents, to your computer since all work is required to be completed within the lab. Toggle Drawer

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