How does such a sensitive organ protect itself against such common infections? What are the main causes for fungal eye infections?

How does such a sensitive organ protect itself against such common infections?
What are the main causes for fungal eye infections?

Note: Ensure that your research is limited to infections not caused by direct trauma to the eye.

Based on your research, respond to the following:

How does such a sensitive organ protect itself against such common infections?
What are the main causes for fungal eye infections?
Why is an immunocompromised host more likely to get a fungal eye infection (excluding traumatic infections)?

Provide an explanation on how the pressure in an autoclave can influence the temperature and therefore the timing of the sterilization process.
Compare and contrast the microbial destruction ability of moist versus dry heat. (Note: Use the Microbial Destruction Ability Comparison Template to compare and contrast between moist versus dry heat.)
Template below in attachment

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