Has the evolving relationship between the federal government and the states changed for the better or worse? Why?

Has the evolving relationship between the federal government and the states changed for the better or worse? Why?
How has Texas often responded to mandates from the federal government?
With regards to voting rights, is this an area where the federal government should have more or less influence on the states?
What is Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act?
Does preclearance violate the Tenth Amendment and give the federal government too much power, or is it a necessary check on the states to make sure that minorities are not discriminated against?
Texas argued that it is unconstitutional to impose preclearance unless a state’s racial discrimination was as bad as what existed in 1965. In 2013, then-Attorney General Gregg Abbott argued that voter discrimination is no longer a problem in Texas and consequently is exempt from federal oversight. Do you agree? If yes, why? If not, why not?
What are two other areas where Texas is at odds with federal laws or mandates?

Read Chapter 3 in the textbook, including “You Decide: Voices of Texas: Voting Rights and Redistricting,” and write an essay

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