What three methods did you choose? What is your score or # for each of the readings? What is considered healthy? Are you in the healthy range for all three methods? What can someone do to improve their measurements if they are not in a healthy range?

What three methods did you choose?
What is your score or # for each of the readings?
What is considered healthy?
Are you in the healthy range for all three methods?
What can someone do to improve their measurements if they are not in a healthy range?

Compare three different methods of analyzing YOUR body weight/body composition. One of the three methods must be the Body Mass Index. Additional methods include, but are not limited to; skin fold analysis, underwater/hydrostatic weighing, electrical impedance, height-weight chart, military measurements, BodPod, etcetera.
What three methods did you choose?
What is your score or # for each of the readings?
What is considered healthy?
Are you in the healthy range for all three methods?
What can someone do to improve their measurements if they are not in a healthy range?

Need a place to get measured? Come by our state-of-the-art fitness center and they can do BMI and electrical impedence for you, find a third measurement somewhere else and you are set.
2 years ago

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